So, he doesn’t really have a girlfriend? He made up a story about having a girlfriend? That seems odd.
This kid wouldn’t even be starting for half the teams in the SEC.
Seems like Coach has been reading my stuff - :-)
I made the same reference to Obama’s Selective Service card being the only one to have a 2 digit year stamp just a couple of days ago.
It really is a pretty simple way to point out the forgery, if you think about it.
Keep on writing, coach.
Last I read a “friend” of his created the hoax and it hadn’t been established he was in on it, although it’s hard to believe he wasn’t.
Come on.
Manti Te'o's backstory was embraced by all Americans, left and right.
The guy was portrayed as a devout Mormon and football hero, who turned down a chance to go pro in order to get his degree and lead his team to a potential championship.
He lost his girlfriend and grandmother on the same day, so the story went, but soldiered on to honor them.
That isn't a Democrat story.
That's an American story.
Let’s Ask Obama About His Made-Up Girlfriends
Teo is a "phony" only if he himself claimed they had actually met - but there's no evidence he so claimed.
"Even in the most favorable reading Teo was in love with a social media profile he believed was real, and exchanging tweets and other messages with his friend, who he didnt know was punking him he still allowed and encouraged a false narrative to unspool in the media" -
So Teo didn't also act as media watchdog while also being a student and athlete.
Neurotics build castles in the sky.Psychotics live in them.
This is so obvious. This guy tried to do a “Johny Fairplay” scam on the Heisman committee to curry favor and garner fake sympathy. It didn’t work, and now everyones scrambling to cover their decisions. This guy is a punk and the sports press sucks in kind.