imagine how her son will turn out, another mamby pamby sissy.
Yea I;ve noticed how these fools do not have guns and think they know about guns.
My wife was brought up in the north east, she hated guns but me being me kept on her.
Finally she got to the range and I showed her how a gun works and the advantages it has and how it;s always there just in case.
She now lives guns and believes in them.
Still maybe old has been Gretchen can play with the easy bake for her son, go out to eat, go to a movie and ship the boy off to bed early so she can attend her snotty party and have the baby sitter look after the kids and all on Christmas day ARF.
When we were kids, do you ever remember a boy playing with an Easy Bake oven? I don’t. Nor a mother who would have humored it.
My mother-in-law sleeps with her gun next to her bed whenever her husband goes out of town. She told us, “Anybody who opens that door during the night better make sure to yell “Mom” if they want to live”, LOL.