Post 15 was not a sufficient reply? You did not get nothing- you got a series of links to her stated positions. Obviously did not reference them for fact and background—bothersome things, those. Fail to find the humor in any of this.
Puerile expression substituted for any helpful content is more the kind of thing one expects from low level apparatchiks or civil servants. Spare us the flatus and the ad hominems. Shinola is calling:
Thanks EPluribusUnum for the attempt.
Deo Vindice.
I remain sceptical that the IRS has slapped a lien on her simply because of her November 7, 2012 (6:23 PM MST) post. Failing to pay your 2012 taxes is not a "crime" until April 16, 2013. Announcing that you will not pay your 2012 taxes in November of the same year is not a "crime." Increasing the number of the exemptions you claim is not a "crime."
Now, if Barnhardt is self-employed and is required to pay estimated quarterlies, it could conceivably result in a lien. Maybe telling others not to pay their taxes in the future is a criminal act. In both cases, there would be a record of a lien or an arrest.
To answer your question, post #15 was completely insufficient, and smelled of blog-pimping. I asked two questions in my comment #12, and I got links to 8(!) videos. In other words, I got a run-around. Maybe you should start using the portion of your anatomy that is "intellectually enhanced," and begin to understand the difference between an answer, and an answer that is a non-answer.
Oh, dear . . . was that an ad hominem? Maybe I should ask a Mod. [snort]