Does it matter at all that the HI state registrar, when required by law to verify whatever he CAN (to AZ SOS Ken Bennett, KS SOS Kris Kobach, and the Mississippi Democratic Executive Committee), refused to verify ANY birth facts for Obama and refused to verify that the White House image is a “true and accurate representation of the original record on file” or even that the “ïnformation contained in” the White House BC image is identical to the “information contained in” the genuine record at the HDOH?
Onaka did verify that the claims that are on the WH image match the original record, so the only lawful reason to fail to verify that those claims are true is if the record itself is legally non-valid. And every verification Onaka has made is consistent with his disclosure to Ken Bennett that the HI BC is legally non-valid and his disclosures to both Bennett and Kobach that the WH image is a forgery.
I’ve also shown on my blog that the 1960-64 birth index was altered to contain names from legally non-valid BC’s, so even Obama’s name in the birth index says nothing about the VALIDITY of the birth certificate HI has for him.
All along the argument has been about the absence of evidence. At this point, though, we’ve got Hawaii itself saying that they don’t have a legally-valid birth record for Obama. If he had really been born at Kapiolani as the record claims, he would have a legally-valid record. Even with a home birth, if he had been examined by any HI doctor within a month of his birth he would have a legally valid record. The lack of a valid record is extremely problematic to any claim he might make regarding a Hawaii birth. As it is he has no legally-established birth facts based on a Hawaii birth certificate, and if he’s used a birth certificate for legal purposes his whole life long, it’s been a birth certificate from somewhere else...
Documentation regarding the verification at
More explanation at
Documentation about the 1960-64 birth index including names from non-valid BC’s is at
I know all that.
Still isn’t proof.
Quit arguing with me (I’m on your side) and make something stick already.