Most people in the United States trace their ancestry from Western Europe. How come there are still Western Europeans around?
Different time scale, although these days Western Europeans seem hell bent on eliminating themselves from the gene pool. A little nudge from the Caliphate and they're history.
Having said that, if evolution is still working should not other species show changes in social structures, use of tools, language development, physical improvements, &c, &c? Where are the "other" intelligent species that should have evolved along with Homo Erectus? Or did our ancestors completely obliterate the competition so that not even a fossil record remains (the missing link is still missing!).
Don't worry, they're being overrun by Muslims.
(Who *are* outbreeding them; what's the 'survival value' of sexual immorality as practiced by homosexuals, or Eurosluts in the form of blow jobs, and contraceptive-laden sex followed by abortions as a backup plan?)