Did we all have the same opportunities?
I submit that public knowledge of a person being a conservative would preclude them from attaining her position.
I have a friend that was fired as a history teacher and subsequently black balled from teaching at other schools for being a conservative.
You can do the same thing working in a lot of different places. I have a number of relatives who put together similar deals by lifing in the military. Join when you’re 18, retire at 43 with 25 years in with a significant percentage of your ending salary and COLA adjustments. My father-in-law retired as a Lt Colonel in his 40s then jumped from the military to Hugh’s, put in 15 years there and got another solid retirement plan.
It’s really about buying into a retirement plan and STAYING. If you make the right choice as a young adult you can retire young with good money. But you need to make that choice young. To retire at 57 with 36 years in means she started at 21 and worked up the food chain.