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To: raptor22

Why would Obama let him be Director of the CIA in the first place? Petraeus wasn’t a long time Democrat hack like Panetta. He doesn’t have an intelligence background.
Obama put Petraeus in as head of the CIA because of what Obama has been doing overseas. Obama needed somebody he could control running the CIA. The CIA is the government agency tasked to keep track of what is going on outside the US around the world. They would definitely be looking at the Middle East. Obama has been setting the Middle East on fire to make money for himself and his buddies. Look up the phrase RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT. Look up the INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP (ICG). Look at who is on their board....George Soros. Look up the three part story about The Chicago Connection at the blog chicagopaytoplay. Look at Aaron Klein’s stories at WND.

22 posted on 11/12/2012 6:47:19 PM PST by blueunicorn6 ("A crack shot and a good dancer")
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To: blueunicorn6

>> Why would Obama let him be Director of the CIA in the first place?

He’s the same dolt that picked Biden.

38 posted on 11/13/2012 12:05:02 AM PST by Gene Eric (Demoralization is a weapon of the enemy. Don't get it, don't spread it!)
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To: blueunicorn6
"Obama needed somebody he could control running the CIA. "

You are 100% correct. After the Iran-Contra scandal, it has been frowned upon by congress to nominate a career military person to head either the CIA or national security posts. ObaMao, who has nothing but contempt for "corpse-men" and he only appoints people who are part of the Chicago mob or tied to CPUSA. Why Petraus? Skeletons.

44 posted on 11/13/2012 7:34:26 AM PST by uncommonsense (Conservatives believe what they see; Liberals see what they believe.)
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