This is just another example of that.
At this point the Obama regime also needs to answer for the timing and reasoning for this resignation. Petraeus is being forced to resign, supposedly because the affair could be used as bribery material, but now that he’s come clean the ability to bribe is gone. Unless the resignation is what he was bribed to do, in which case it was the Obama regime itself that posed the threat.
Beyond that, why isn’t Obama forced to resign for the same reason, now that the Hawaii state registrar has legally confirmed that Obama’s HI birth certificate is not legally valid? This means that if he’s got a valid BC anywhere, it’s someplace else - which puts our supposed Commander-in-Chief at the mercy of whoever knows about that BC. The stakes are a million times higher when it is the man who now has tyrannical, unconstitutional powers who is vulnerable to bribery.
This needs to be brought out and dealt with.
Let's face it we lost the election because we had to fight axelrod distortions, obama constantly lying about everything and the DBM promoting everything they said.
If this election had been about truth between the two political parties it would not even have been a contest.