This not amnesty. Under my plan (a) children born in the US are not automatic citizens as they are now, (b) holders of Work Visas are not eligible for food stamps or other taxpayer welfare, (c) hospitals are not required to accept these people even at their emergency rooms. This plan is not a moderate plan. It actually makes things tougher for illegals.
Kid what do you have against the laws of my country ???
Why do you want AMNESTY for the law breaking illegal aliens who hate my country and hate and mock our laws ???
are you an illegal alien yourself ???
I like my plan better:
Illegals out. Now.
The line for permission to enter the United States starts at your local American Embassy.
Do you remember the promises that the 1986 amnesty pushers made? They broke every one of them, including, "securing the border." And they will eventually break every one of the promises the new amnesty makes, including the one which says they can't vote. Ditto for "guest worker programs, which turn into citizenship programs.
Maybe you will understand when Dems (or worse) control all 3 branches of government forever.