What could swing more voters to the GOP ticket would be first anything that panders to the farmers...like the ethanol boondoggle, high unemployment..not currently the case in IA or high energy costs. Obama's EPA has already sent drones to spy on farms looking for "pollution" violations and a proposed carbon tax on cow and pig farts would be the last straw for the rural folks. High gasoline and especially diesel prices hit the rural areas hard and any increase in energy costs would be felt state wide. The college town liberals would be unswayed by whatever Obama does. Des Moines is a big insurance town and Obamacare will be felt hard especially if major employers like Principal Insurance drop out of the health insurance business.
Iowa has a lot of universities. They have a good deal of that “intellectual snobbishness” going around.
Because Iowa is very Christian Conservative and they stayed home yet again and did not show up for Romney nor for any of the down ballot candidates who had been compromising their principles to go along with the narrative that Romney was a conservative.
Cause farmers talk a bigger game about being Conservatives than anyone else you will ever meet.
Until you threaten to cut their particular subsidy. Then it’s Katy Bar the Door.
Same TV and public education-—transmission of ideas (all Marxist ones). All states are becoming socialist, immoral hellholes where Logic and Reason can’t penetrate because of indoctrination in the formational years of childhood.
Families used to transmit their religion and ideas to the young. Now we allow perverted strangers like the Billy Ayers to shape our worldview of our children—in public school system and TV. BK Eakman and Charlotte Iserbyte and many others note the Wundt psychology put into curricula to make the children “think” one way.
Disinformation-—as the ex-KGB Yuri stated in the 70’s-—was already in public schools for two generations (John Dewey) and destroying the ability to recognize Truth if it slapped them in the face. (Irrational ideologues—indoctrinated when young—can’t ever understand Logic). They live by emotion and are easily led into “group think”. That is how public schools work====teach One Way to Think-—the Marxist way-—sodomite/occultist/Satanic way so God is Killed-—planned by the Fabians in the late 1800’s.
Iowa stands for “I owe the World a living”
and don’t forget that is got the quad cities and its close association with Chicago which is only a couple of hundred miles away.....I’m sure lots of trash drift over the border to vote....
Land of farmers on the dole and insurance companies waiting to tap into Obamacare.
The big question is why do Republicans let a libtard state like Iowa kick pick the republican presidential nominee with their caucuses?
I lived in both states for about ten years.
Very nice people, hard working, often quite religious.
But there is a significant percentage that will not even consider voting for Republicans.
Iowa was settled predominately by German and Scandinavian (Norwegian and Swedish) settlers. Other groups of all nationalities are represented. But the vast majority are descendants of those two groups.
These are socialist leaning people by nature, and their offspring haven’t changed.
Throw most of Minnesota in that mix as the background as similar and the state is also known for welfare leniency and has a high ( 32000) population of Somailis
Check it out. http://newamericamedia.org/2011/11/state-somali-population-continues-to-grow.php
Minnesotas Somali population is the largest in the United States. According to the latest estimates, other states that have a large Somali population are Ohio with 12,300, Washington with 9,300 and California with 7,500.
Q: “I don’t get it. Why is Iowa a democratic state?”
For the same reasons that Vermont is.
Both are overwhelmingly “white states” with little actual contact with non-Euros other than what they see on tv and in the other media.
I suggest you do a little research regarding sociologist Robert Putnam, who conducted some extensive studies and later documented them in a book entitled “Bowling Alone”.
Actually, just do this:
- Open a google search page (probably works with other search engines too)
- Enter the search string “diversity destroys trust harvard discovers homogeneity”
- The first three hits should provide you with a very interesting article about Mr. Putnam, his research, and his book.
After reading it, you may have the answer to your question above.
All of the larger populated counties are union. Even if their plant closed years ago. The counties with smaller populations used to make up the difference and overcome the libtard vote. Now they all have an older population that votes against anybody that is portrayed taking away their stipend. There is also an immigrant population. Most of the farmers in Iowa have a conscience. We have many Minnesota friends and they are in the same boat as well. It’s kind of maddening to watch all of the idiots fighting over the deck chairs as the boat is sinking.