I looked at the stats from earlier in the week...CNN’s top four shows are all behind the Comedy Central’s dynamic duo of Stewart and Colbert. No one is watching Piers Morgan. The Anderson Cooper numbers are fairly low. Across the spectrum...most of the media’s organizations are doing lousy. Pay scale wise, the bosses will eventually come around and add up the revenue. Some folks will take pay cuts.
One would think they’d look at revenue, but I think they’ll just go back to a “revenue loss” attitude for their news operations - they did it for decades, up until CNN showed them they could make money, too (in the early Baghdad raid days).....
The worker bees in the news operations are so ideologically bound to their demented loyalty to Obama and Demcrats, they will never give up. They may take pay cuts, but you’ll see them getting perks from Obama et al to compensate...