So, a successful businessman who has actually done something substantive in life is being questioned by another media idiot who has no expertise in anything except knowing which camera to look into. What’s happened, frankly, is that the media went from being normal people with a job to being celebrities with the ability to influence public policy. They act the way they do because they want to hold on to their relevance. It’s all about them. For those on the left it’s almost always all about them.
Calling them arrogant doesn’t even begin to describe who they are. It’s disgusting. What needs to be said is that the media don’t care about children, they don’t care about the elderly, they don’t care about anyone. They support those they support because this is what keeps them relevant. They have no problem destroying America, as long as they remain relevant. The selfishness of the media is beyond description.
The other night as I was watching the debate I expected Romney to say “I can’t believe I am debating the biggest spender in history on fiscal responsibility!”
They all seem to think they will be the ones left standing when Obie achieves his ultimate goal. Much like businessmen, ministers, and media did with Hitler. We all know how that worked for those “folks”.