Posted on 09/24/2012 8:14:47 AM PDT by NOBO2012
Can anybody tell me whats up with the Bidens anyway? First Joey,
Guess what, the cheerleaders in college are the best athletes in college, Biden said. You think, Im joking, theyre almost all gymnasts, the stuff they do on hard wood, it blows my mind.
Then, et tu, Dr. Jill? Gaffing about Joeys, er, manhood?
... I leave it to the shrinks to explain what this fascination with wood is all about, butt as you see, Joey is very complimentary of Big Guys too:
The Presidential putter:
Message to President Obama from Bibi: Just because you carry a big stick, doesnt mean youve got balls.
...Anyway, it wasnt just BO delivering inspirational messages this weekend. You already saw how fabulous Lady M looked as she addressed the CBCF...
Butt beyond looking fab she delivered one of her high energy messages: Get out the vote, America! We cant let those angry R-words suppress our voice:
We cannot let anyone discourage us from casting our ballots. We cannot let anyone make us feel unwelcome in the voting booth.
It is up to us to make sure that in every election, every voice is heard and every vote is counted,
Because your voice shouldnt be silenced by death.Because your voice shouldnt be silenced by death...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Apparently Joe Lieberman can’t make up his mind.
Which is why anythime this moron comes on anything, device is shut off.
Sadly I believe the answer is yes.
This society has produced no shortage of weak-minded and indecisive people (a fact I have learned sitting in fast food drive thrus behind people who spend ten minutes or more scanning the menu before delivering an order which they change at least three times, which turns out to be not what they wanted)
A large block of Americans have not decided whether or not to vote.
Haven't watched SNL in a long time, but a perfect storm hit this past weekend, the college football games were over, so I tuned in for a bit.
The video they produced was non-partisan and hilarious. Basically making the premise and asking the question, "If you're still undecided at this point, what other information do you need?"
The segment had "undecided" voters asking questions such as:
"Who's running for President?"
"How long is a Presidential year? Two years? Three years? A lifetime? I'm not sure I can vote someone for life."
"What if the President dies while in office? What happens then? Have they even thought of that?"
Unfortunately, later in the show during their Weekend Update segment, they smeared Romney in the mud. Essentially dogging him, asking why he was still in the race after his "47%" remark, and his other "gaffes." Would've been tolerable if they balanced it out with slams against Obama, but who am I kidding? They would do no such thing.
Hannity likes him. That’s one reason I hardly ever listen to Hannity any longer.
SNL is still slapping itself on the back over its successful kneecapping of Sarah Palin
Hannity seems to like to talk to a lot of utterly clueless morons.
Tamara Holder, Thelma, anyone who calls him “Brother Sean”, Rove...I could go on forever.
Hannity gets tuned out often.
Besides Lieberman, he loves Giuliani, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and a host of other liberals. He says he’s a conservative, but when so many of his friends are liberals, one has to wonder.
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