And all legal authorities would tell you that the 14th Amendment would vanquish any weird theory of Vattels anyway. (Even though NBC did not mean what you think it did, even before the 14th was ratified in 1868)
It means exactly what I think it means after 4 years of studying this issue. OBozo and his surrogate's argument is that the 14th Amendment made Obama a natural born citizen. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with the natural born citizen clause in the US Constitution.
I'll sum it up for you about the truth of the contemporary US body politic: they are cowards of the truth because they are afraid of the perceived consequences or the truth doesn't give them what they want. Not much more than that.
You have hitched your wagon to a bogus, silly, stupid, false interpretation of law and history!
And, you have lost, and wasted precious time and resources better spent in other battles!