If republicans contol the house and senate, and they vote to repeal Obamacare, then I have to believe that he would go along to repeal it.
He has campaigned on the repeal.
Again a chance with Romney and absolutely no chance with Obama.
That is a lie. What does it take to override a veto? With a republican controlled house & senate AND many dems. knowing that 0bamacare is really bad...do you not believe and override could not occur? Second, do you really Romney is going to repeal it? I think he is lieing to get your vote. It will get tweeked, not overturned. And the GOP will all pat themselves on the back....
Any, and I repeat, ANY Conservative could have won.
Mr. RomneyCARE will lose.
But, the stupid and corrupt GOP selected
(by destroying all the conservatives)
the very AUTHOR of ROMNEYCARE/OBAMACARE and Death Panels.
No one should be surprised at the result coming.