To: Marine_Uncle; casino66; Poetgal26; generationgop; wschrader; Hurricane Andrew; Uncle Jazzbo; ...
Oh yes. Debbie W.Schultz is a fine friend of CAIR, as is Obama.
A ping here to more patriots who might help spread the information posted in posts 41 and 42 in our fight against the Islamic invasion of America! Thanks!
48 posted on
08/23/2012 7:20:34 PM PDT by
(I want a Commander In Chief who honors and supports our Military!)
To: seekthetruth; rllngrk33; 2yearlurker; HRoarke; MrFreeper; Evi Tavres Noc; Marylandsreb; ...
49 posted on
08/23/2012 8:09:18 PM PDT by
(I want a Commander In Chief who honors and supports our Military!)
To: seekthetruth
From the article: "I now feel responsible to preach, actually to go on a jihad against extremism. But as with so many other Muslim leaders in the U.S., Siraj Wahhaj is not as moderate as he may appear at first glance."
Of course not. If he where for some strange reason, the DNC would not embrace him as they do. :)
52 posted on
08/24/2012 8:14:41 AM PDT by
(Honor must be earned.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson