Together with the "You Didn't Build That", totally expose Obama's lack of grasp of how business/economy works.
Government controls the means of manufacturing. Socialist knows socialism.
Obama: Hey, you may have built that, but I can steal it!
When the government gets involved in private industry, that is communism, pure and simple. Let’s not let this bozo do this to our country. Stop him cold in November.
Since 0bama was sent here to bankrupt America, this makes sense from his perspective. GM still owes the taxpayers $27 billion; just think how much our entire industrial base would owe after such a bailout.
I've lived a self-rewarding, fruitful, and fun life. I have a wife I love dearly and a little doggie that gives me great moments. I have savings (for now), so I'm getting to the point of going serious Galt! I suggest anyone who has the resources, pay off all debts and reduce your footprint. This nation is doomed to socialism.
Yeah, my little industry may as well get some “bailout” too. To buy some survival food for what is coming next....
Well, that’s one way of seizing the means of production.
It’s not the messiah who’s the problem. It’s the
f%^&**g scu&bags who are going to vote for him.
40% hardcore supporters + hardcore Progressive supporters +
brilliant, intellectual fickle Independents =
Mr. Obama 55 to 45 in November.
Right out of the communist playbook.
This is the scariest thing he’s ever said.
In libtard speak, that means that obama want’s to nationalize industry and energy production. Control energy and industry, and you have a country by its balls.
Nationalization of all industries. That works out so well for COMMUNIST countries. (/s)
Obama the marxist continues to go further and further left. Romney doesn’t seem to know how to take advantage of it. Only hope Romney has is if he picks a conservative VP. That doesn’t matters so much except that it does provide a forum for a conservative to speak out against this crap.
Teleprompter broke?
The expression bail out and rescue suggest what is perhaps the most important reason that inflation tends to accelerate.This is the fact that the very destruction and suffering that inflation causes makes still more inflation seem necessary and desirable.
The fact that major cities and industries need bailing out - which, of course, the government would finance largely on the basis of an increase in the quantity of money is itself mainly the result of years of inflation and the consequent systematic overstatement of profits leading to the taxation and consumption of funds required for the replacement of assets. It is a consequence of all of the destructive effects of inflation on saving and capital formation.
I’m not going to read a single comment in this thread. I just wanted to say that Obama obviously has no clue when it comes to what it takes to foster economic growth. None whatsoever. How the MSM can continue to support such a socialist/Marxist dolt is beyond me.
At least he’s given Jon Stewart some more material....
The similarities are obvious and frightening.
yea, bondholders, stockholders, republcan auto dealers, taxpayers and non-union workers lose out; but that’s a great plan!
He’s starkers.