Its constitutional. Bitches. This was the tweet sent out by Patrick Gaspard, the Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee and former Director of the Office of Political Affairs for the Obama administration, after learning of the Supreme Courts ruling on Obamacare.
What else is new? Democrats have been directing foul-mouthed insults at their critics for decades.
m I’d like to *itch-slap him across his arrogant face—but I’m way too much of a lady to do such things...LOL!
Law is for the court, Sambo. Justice is for the alley. See you there?
No dummy. It is still an unconstitutional piece of crap, and the court of the people will decide that come November.
Classy. No question about it.
Actually, you have to excuse this extreme form of masculinity for his potty mouth. He is, after all, only following the directives of the higher-ups
(It is after all a BFD, right Joe?)
Update your resume, Patrick.
A day of reckoning is approaching. We will not be gentle giants forever.
All the teenagers in the Democrat party will hopefully get a dose of reality in November.
how would one contact Mr. Gaspard.
Anyone follow these people on twitter? Our standard tweet response should be “Only if it’s a tax. And if so, it’s a tax on those without health insurance.”
Back at ya, Tinkerbell.
Like the abortion fiasco, history will determine whether it actually stays and truly is constitutional.
At one time it was constitutiopnal to hold slave...tha one went down hard.
Another time it was constitutional to disallow the vote to women...that one's gone too.
There was a constitutional amendment nthat made it constitutional to prohibit the sale of Alcohol...that one didn't work out either.
I predict, 50 years from now, after I am dead and gone, and if my kids and grandkids still have a constitutional republic called the United States of America, that both abortion and mandates and penalty-taxes like this will not be constitutional and will, like those other ocurrances be viewed badly through the long lense of history.
Just like you and your progressive trash talk.
Stay classy, DNC
Somewhere, theres a future obamacare bureaucrat who will decide how many pain pills you get to end your days
Hey Patrick, come here and say it. I dare you, you candy-a$$ed wussie.
This flamer’s a real internet warrier, ain’t he?
Punk doesn’t understand that there are a lot more guns on our side than theirs. Keep it up!!!!!!
It's a TAX, stupid. Own that in November.
Being classless is a prerequist of being a democrat.
He is what he is.
He cannot help it.He was born that way, He was brought up that way.
He has no class because his parents had no class.
Class isn’t something you can buy.