That barrel(s) sure has a nice finish.....wonder if anyone ever shot it.
These guns were hand made using chisels and files. Take a close look at the workmanship, the fit and finish, and the engraving. I’m pretty sure at least a 1,000 hours of hand labor went into the gun, and probably more. The firm of John Dickson produced some of the most beautiful guns ever made.
Prolly a little heavy to pack around hunting. If I had the money, however, I would like a drilling in 12ga over some rifle caliber.
It is interesting but just doesn’t look right to me.
You never can tell tho, it might handle better than it looks. Then again it might be awkward as all get out.
Wonder why three barrels didn’t catch on? Seems like it would have been a good coach gun.
Most upper grade Doubleguns are quite light. Especially the British made guns that were purpose built. Most American Doubles are/were utility built for a variety of game and are generally heavy by comparison. Take note the cocking indicators forward of the safety lever and also the side-lever position. This is a left hand gun.