Posted on 06/13/2012 11:13:13 AM PDT by NOBO2012
I see that Big Guy was busy giving autographs to his adoring fans yesterday while Lady M was busy raising money for the campaign
No wait! Ive got that backwards. It was the other way around.
Its really getting hard to keep their schedules straight, since theyre nearly identical these days.
So, while Big Guy was out drumming up support for WINNING and moving the hope n change FORWARD,
Romneys a vampire capitalist. Now repeat after me: I hope he failsby blaming the stinkin economy on Bush for stickin him with the bill for that big old steak and martini dinner:
Read my lips: George. W. Bush. Ate. Your. Lunch. Got it?
and pointing at Berlin as the source of all those headwinds from Europe for being selfish and not spreading their wealth around to all the other have-not countries, like Greece.
Its the Krauts fault, greedy vulture 1 percenters. Just like in WWII.
Greece agrees: its Germanys fault
Fortunately that gave everybody a reason to look the other way after cub-reporter and press secretary, Mr. Claire Shipman, stepped in it. After lecturing the press corpse on Monday for taking Big Guys comment on the private sector doing just fine, thank you, out of context, he proceeded to advise them that they werent doing their jobs correctly. And he should know, since he is Mr. Claire Shipman. I believe that Jay-Jays exact words were: You all ought to do your jobs and report on context, of course.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
DemocRats and RINOs do not want to deviated from the course.
DemocRats and RINOs do not want to deviate from the course.
This are the parts obama is duplicating:
1. Bloated government employee rolls. (10x the number of workers needed per job)
2. Public sector unions dictate spending for public employees.
3. Private unions dictate employement terms without any negotiations.
4. Crony capitalism protecting a few “i got mine” insiders.
5. no budget controls.
6. If you are not an insider then you have to bribe a local official. Once you become inconvenient you will be charged with a crime.
BTW the Greek government has been a subsidiary of siemens sa for years.
It’s not like he didn’t warn us that he would turn the US into Greece. After all, he had those Greek columns at the Democratic convention in 2008.
We’re gonna start wishing we were Greece...
After all, Greece has the Germans to bail them out. Who is big enough to bail us out?
Obama wants to punish the GLOBAL 1% of top earners
The globa 1% of top earners is ANYONE earning more than $34,000.00 (REALLY!)
Obama wants to punish anyone earning more than $34,000.00!
it has never been about a bailout.
bailout is about capitalism.
Obama is about BLOATING government CONTROL of individuals lives (if not abolising the individual as a matter of law)
it takes a village to enslave.
ILL-ANNOY and Kalifornia have already turned into Greece - worse than Greece. Who’s next? Not Wisconsin or Indiana, certainly.
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