This child abuse by the Obama government TSA agents was supposed to stop after a previous video of TSA groping a little child but Obama’s TSA continues to treat our little children as terrorists.
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Unless they gave her complimentary food and drink, I would bet that they treated her much worse than they would have treated Osama Bin Laden.
The DHS has made it clear that all American citizens are potential, homegrown terrorists except the terrorists themselves. The TSA is just following along on that belief.
I’ve said it before until people just refuse to fly this will not STOP!
Everyone says, but if we don’t fly that will just hurt the airlines. BS! You think the government could standby and just let the airlines go broke? You think they could continue their fascist reign of terror in the face of such a rebellion?
But instead of standing up against it they continue to line up like sheep and then they want to bahhh about their treatment.
Undocumented Moslem Tyrants pro-Jihad pro-terrorist AG:
Under your King's leadership
America is now a subsidiary of the Moslem Brotherhood
wholly owned by the PRC and terrorists who support the DNC.
As such, today, Jews and Christians, and especially crippled cracker children and elderly are our ONLY targets."
The TSA goons give us some sense of what the Nazis were like. Imagine having to deal with those vile creeps all the time.
Sweet little thing. This BS from these trashy pieces of excrement called the TSA has to stop! It’s about time that parents stop allowing their children to be dealt with like this.
I don’t know, she looks somewhat like a terrorist.....and all those pumpkins...are they actually pumpkins or perhaps......who knows, we can’t be too careful. One pumpkin bomb could lead to ??? who knows??
I felt abused as well last weekend, being fully patted down because I was a blonde mama wearing a baby in a front pack. Only I was picked out as suspicious. The TSA agent was decent enough but the fact that I was wearing a baby was what made me suspicious, and I resent that very much. I was steaming angry with tears after it was over.