He will either be forced to stand down or the American Republic will cease to exist.
Exactly right, I’m deathly afraid of an unrestrained second Obama term.
Just like Romney’s speech at the NRA convention:
Mitt Romney warns NRA against an ‘unrestrained’ second-term Obama,0,250411.story
Very strong speech.
There are plenty of FReepers here who will sit on their hands in November, thereby ensuring that these concerns become reality.
Always liked R J Ringer. Have 3 of his books. He is spot on with this article.
Uh when are we going to start coming together as a group to fight this monster? We need to go viral shout about letting a company from Spain sponsored by a Lefties count our votes. We need to do something.
north carolina commies in gay harassment problemo...
Let’s not even talk about Romney. Right now is the time to push for Newt and not give up. We must work and pray for that which is right. Though there be only a small sliver of light we must push on towards it.
A dictator, such as Obama, only has the power that the people give him.
Currently, at least 40 % of American voters are gladly willing to give Obama the necessary power to continue his dictatorship.
Dictator Obama has designed Obamacare to become active only AFTER he is re-elected, thus enabling THE NINE SUPREMES to delay ruling on the Constitutionality of the dictate of the individual mandate until Obama is once again the Illegal Foreign White House Occupier, (IFWHO).
The purpose of Dictator Baby-Doc Barack is simple: 1.) Regulate; 2.) Control; and 3.) Destroy. By his own count he as achieved 60 % of his goals, according to the note he says he carries in his pocket.
Obamas obvious deep hatred of America could have only come from his childhood.
Since there are no known networks of childhood friends from Obamas past, Obama was probably a member of a Marxist sleeper cell funded by wealthy men with a Marxist view of the World.
The lack of credible evidence that has NOT been forged requires a long-term, highly skilled and well-funded support group.
Who the key members of Obamas probable support group and probable sleeper cell were and are is well known to the CIA and the FBI.
Will the Citizen Journalists such as Breitbart Editor Joel Pollack be able to out-spy these two tax-funded spy entities?
BTW, forget about the LAM, (Liberal Agenda Media), as they are saving their notes to write their tell-all Obama books after Obama has SAFELY retired back home in Kenya.
BTW, BTW, to all the doubters of the above speculation: what does your gut tell you?
Obamas little temper tantrums probably led to the removal of his current bodyguard team, to be replaced with loyal “party” members.
Until it’s on the evening news at CNN, MSNBC and CBS, it’s not “surging” anywhere in the masses.
Romney may not be our 1st Choice; but he is better than another Obama Term!!!!!
Obama needs to be...... Removed....... before the election & charged with
.........Treason against The United States of America for using Forged Documents to become POTUS!!!!!!....................
Now 32,527 others have already signed this petition. Sign now to show your support!!
(I am “Not” associated with any Blog......I am just a Patriotic American who feels that I need to Post information that the MSM will not address!!!)
.......George Soros will be in-control of Counting our Electronic Votes!!
Scytl is a global company which actually Counts the electronic votes..... George Soros owns this Company (or he owns a good portion of this company)
Obama ensures his fraudulent re-election
a Soros-owned Spanish company will count the ballots !
Heres another of those quiet, subtle, but very dangerous little stories that has somehow slipped past all the mainstream media outlets.
The United States of America has a brand new private VOTE COUNTING company that the Obama administration has personally handpicked.
Scytl is the name of the Spanish Company owned by George Soros!!
Those who cast the votes .....................decide nothing.
Those who “COUNT” the votes....................... decide everything.
Joseph Stalin
Additional info here.