That die has already been cast. They have already declared war against us and fired the first shots. Time and again...
Ruby Rodge. Waco. Elian Gonzalez. People die in outright illegal raids by government agents weekly....
Some don’t. The Hutaree and David Olfson. Red’s Trading Post. David Sarti...
Is it STILL a “cold” war just because we haven’t fought back?
I’m trying to come up with a list of tests. One would be, “Are Rush, Sean, Laura, Michael, Mark and the rest still free to rant their spleens on national radio shows?”
As long as they are, I’d say we’re still mostly free. If teh left finds a way to silence them, I’d make a big check mark in the box.
And I’m still free to write and sell “radical anti-government” novels.
If you have any other freedom markers, I’d be happy to add them to my list.
>Is it STILL a cold war just because we havent fought back?
No, it is a slaughter in that case.