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To: Dead Corpse

I’m trying to come up with a list of tests. One would be, “Are Rush, Sean, Laura, Michael, Mark and the rest still free to rant their spleens on national radio shows?”

As long as they are, I’d say we’re still mostly free. If teh left finds a way to silence them, I’d make a big check mark in the box.

And I’m still free to write and sell “radical anti-government” novels.

If you have any other freedom markers, I’d be happy to add them to my list.

59 posted on 03/29/2012 4:17:00 PM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: Travis McGee
I’m trying to come up with a list of tests. One would be, “Are Rush, Sean, Laura, Michael, Mark and the rest still free to rant their spleens on national radio shows?” As long as they are, I’d say we’re still mostly free. If teh left finds a way to silence them, I’d make a big check mark in the box. And I’m still free to write and sell “radical anti- government” novels.

I'm not sure that is a legitimate test. It shows a reliance on deterministic thinking (which is historically justifiable) while our opponents show they are very comfortable operating within a stochastic framework.

There's a reason articulate radio voices get largely ignored, while the mostly amorphous Tea Party activity is treated like an insurrection.

Modern politics, for all practical purposes, is a specialized branch of "marketing and advertising" when understood as a social science.

Coke and Pepsi have no desire, indeed they have very good reason NOT to desire, the elimination of their statistically insignificant competitors. As long as such "competitors" exist, certain hands will be stayed that would otherwise be working against these quasi-monopolies.

If we want to save our way of life, we need to start punishing "intent and dissent" as well as "action." That's how our opponents have been so successful.

64 posted on 03/29/2012 5:04:36 PM PDT by papertyger
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To: Travis McGee

They aren’t free. Much evidence they’ve been (or a bunch of media people) threatened.


I would not call them “free”.

65 posted on 03/29/2012 5:15:45 PM PDT by little jeremiah (We will have to go through hell to get out of hell. Signed, a fanatic)
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To: Travis McGee

Be free from unreasonable search and seizure?
Can worship as I see fit and my Church dictates its own policies as how it runs the congregations business?
My home is my castle and I can modify it how I want as long as it doesn’t endanger my neighbors?
I can own and carry my personal armaments anywhere I have a legal right to be?
Am I free of unreasonable taxation that takes my wealth and gives it to someone who did not earn it and gives no value to me in return?

But sh*t, we can spout off in guarded tone on the Internet so we MUST be free...

66 posted on 03/29/2012 6:07:52 PM PDT by Dead Corpse (Steampunk- Yesterday's Tomorrow, Today)
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To: Travis McGee
If you have any other freedom markers, I’d be happy to add them to my list.

The RKBA. Any new infringements should raise a flag.

83 posted on 03/30/2012 8:06:24 AM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
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To: Travis McGee

>If you have any other freedom markers, I’d be happy to add them to my list.

The ability to wear your firearm as you serve on a jury.

(Reason: The police, and security officers, have no affirmative obligation to the safety of any [particular] private citizen [meaning you] as per USSC rulings; your absence in reporting for jury duty is punishable in itself; therefore, your disarmament is depriving you of your right to defend yourself in a coerced manner. Further, it assumes that you are a criminal, or otherwise ‘unworthy,’ before any such judgement is made.)

87 posted on 04/03/2012 1:44:39 PM PDT by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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