” And we know who Truth is.”
Bingo! We have a winner!
At the root of colectivism (whatever you want to call it) is first the denial of God and then believing satan’s oldest lie speaking of eating of the fruit; “you shall be like God, knowing good and evil”. The elites consider themselves God and it is their calling to change mankind into their image.
———The elites consider themselves God and it is their calling to change mankind into their image.———
This explains the frustrating phenomenon of liberal Christians. They will follow the truth, until it’s not convenient.
I recently heard a talk-radio caller describe herself as, “I’m not one of those die-hard Catholics.” She was pro-contraception/premarital sex.
Of course, if she was intellectually honest, she would seek another church. But she wasn’t THAT interested in pursuing her understanding of truth. She was content in her indifference.
Jesus had very harsh words for those indifferent to Him/Truth.
And we know who Truth is.
Bingo! We have a winner!
At the root of colectivism (whatever you want to call it) is first the denial of God and then believing satans oldest lie speaking of eating of the fruit; you shall be like God, knowing good and evil. The elites consider themselves God and it is their calling to change mankind into their image.
Profound comments and the R O O T of the issue with one small exception. Satan’s lie was “you shall not die”. Every lie and half truth collectivists, leftists, socialists, communists, atheists, and facists, cling to, has the usurpation of the power of God at its root, as did the Father of Lies himself.
Why else would such a powerful individual be cast out of heaven to stand here as the example of darkness and evil in contrast to the Son of God who is light and truth personified and whose mission, the salvation of mankind also stands in stark contrast to that of the evil one.
Thank you—oh, yes but they do! I see it more of a wallowing than a high chair. They feed each other’s air of superiority as they set to steal from us.
Never thought of a thief very highly.