Newt ain’t got it together, my friend... if a candidate misses getting his name on a states ballot, see MO, he’s bombed out already...
Newt will be ON the MO ballot in March when it counts. There was a very low turn out in my district today and many that are voting for Santorum are going to switch to Newt in March.
Citizens Against Government Waste (which is a non-partisan watchdog group) named Santorum as porker of the month for his earmark spending. He also voted to not only fund the National Endowment of the Arts but to INCREASE funding for them. Santorum OPPOSES any privitazation of Soc Sec. He is against allowing younger workers to invest a portion of their own money towards their retirement. Santorum supports the min wage and govt regulation of wages.
Not to mention his endorsement of Spector who later joined the democrat party and cast the 6oth vote to pass Obamacare. NO TO RICK SANTORUM! GO NEWT!
Wow friend. So...
Newt missed Virginia only and chose not to participate in Missouri’s beauty contest as no delegates are awarded.
Santorum missed both Virginia and Indiana ... failure to get enough signatures. (Actually I don’t think he even tried to get on Virginia’s)
And you’re trying to make the case that Santorum has it more together?