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To: Steelfish

So 3 small States and 1 big State are going to Dictate to the other 46 who will be the Republican Nominee????

Translation.... Probably less than 3 million voters will tell our Republic of over 300 Million people who is going to be the other choice in 2012.

Simple question: Why can’t all 50 States vote on the same day just like we do for the President?

The current process only drags this process out, and has Republicans tearing each other to ribbons. This process needs to change and makes absolute no sense.

3 posted on 01/22/2012 2:39:57 PM PST by Sprite518
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To: Sprite518

It is absolutely an embarrasing situation we have in modern America when it comes to picking candidates...

5 posted on 01/22/2012 2:47:46 PM PST by isthisnickcool (Sharia? No thanks!)
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To: Sprite518

“Simple question: Why can’t all 50 States vote on the same day just like we do for the President?”

I like the idea.

6 posted on 01/22/2012 2:48:00 PM PST by Grunthor (I don't vote for Democrats, this includes Mitt Romney.)
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To: Sprite518
Simple question: Why can’t all 50 States vote on the same day just like we do for the President?

The current process only drags this process out, and has Republicans tearing each other to ribbons. This process needs to change and makes absolute no sense.

I've wondered this for a long time and always felt it should be as you suggest. But I'm beginning to realize that it would be a sure way to guarantee the guy with the most money wins. It's just easier for candidates to go state-by-state campaigning, concentrating their efforts on smaller segments of the population and building momentum. Can you imagine the nightmare of 6 or 7 candidates trying to cover the entire country for one day of voting?

What really needs to be done is to close all primaries. Why are we letting those with a vested interest in destroying our party have a vote on who our nominee is? And the GOP establishment needs to BUTT OUT and let the voters decide who is best to represent them. It's the one good thing I have to say about the Dems. At least they let their people choose their candidate rather than force their selection on the masses.

8 posted on 01/22/2012 2:59:22 PM PST by Shethink13
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To: Sprite518
Simple question: Why can’t all 50 States vote on the same day just like we do for the President?

When we vote for president, we generally choose between two candidates. In the early stage of the primary process, we had a bunch of candidates. If we had all the primaries on one day, the vote would have been split with the result that a candidate could have won with a small plurality of maybe 20%, and who would have been disliked by most Republicans.

What the current process does is force the weeding out of weak candidates and makes people choose from the remainder. One substitute might be a ballot that allowed one to specify first, second, third, and fourth choices, with the candidate with the least votes being dropped and his votes distributed to voters second choice, and so on.

10 posted on 01/22/2012 3:08:48 PM PST by PapaBear3625 (During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.)
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To: Sprite518

and has Republicans tearing each other to ribbons.


Democrats do it when it’s their turn also. Does that comfort you?

11 posted on 01/22/2012 3:10:28 PM PST by ROTB (Christian sin breeds enemies for the USA. If you're a Christian, stop sinning, and spread the Word..)
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To: Sprite518
-- This process needs to change and makes absolute no sense. --

Fundamental errors combine to make the outcome more important than it was designed to be.

Congress sets domestic policy, not the president - although Congress prefers to avoid all accountability, and encourages the public to focus on the presidential race, and Congress goes along with the notion that the president essentially sets budget, spending, borrowing, and pretty much all substantial domestic policy.

The federal government is way outside constitutional bounds as it goes about setting policy for the states. The Commerce Clause is used to justify regulations from federal gun control, to federal control of medical care, to federal control and even ownership of industry.

If the federal government were right sized, few people would object to political parties picking presidential candidates without so much as a primary (the first presidential preference primaries were in 1910 or so, IIRC).

31 posted on 01/22/2012 4:15:30 PM PST by Cboldt
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To: Sprite518

If all states voted at once, The underfunded candidates would have no chance. They simply dont have the funding or organization to compete every where at once.

My problem is most of the early states are open. This allows the Dems to skew the votes toward there preferred candidate.

33 posted on 01/22/2012 4:37:26 PM PST by Bailee
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To: Sprite518
The current process only drags this process out, and has Republicans tearing each other to ribbons. This process needs to change and makes absolute no sense.

A bit painful though the process might be, it plays out like a war with moves and counter moves. It proves out over time which candidate can react the fastest, connect with voters, organize ground troops, respond; in a word manage. A one-day primary would benefit the person with the biggest pile of dollars to run an ad blitz; i.e. someone like Romney.

36 posted on 01/22/2012 5:56:45 PM PST by 6SJ7 (Meh.)
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