When we vote for president, we generally choose between two candidates. In the early stage of the primary process, we had a bunch of candidates. If we had all the primaries on one day, the vote would have been split with the result that a candidate could have won with a small plurality of maybe 20%, and who would have been disliked by most Republicans.
What the current process does is force the weeding out of weak candidates and makes people choose from the remainder. One substitute might be a ballot that allowed one to specify first, second, third, and fourth choices, with the candidate with the least votes being dropped and his votes distributed to voters second choice, and so on.
How about the first one with 51% wins? If no one has it, then the top 2 have a run off the following week?
I have big issue with 3 or 4 States dictating to the other 46 who the Republican candidate will be.