Start of article, end of reading.
I’d like these idiots to tell me what day the oil will disappear. POOF! All gone today! Yes, we have no petroleum!
The best way to ensure that the world does NOT transition to a new energy source is to get government involved.
Science can’t worry about the end product. And as Scotty says engineers canno change the laws of physics.
Whale oil. It’s renewable and carbon neutral.
His description of the development process is grossly oversimplified and inaccurate. Since before WWII large scale chemical processes have been successfully taken from lab to production with success; it’s well understood engineering, not rocket science. Large process developers like Honeywell’s UOP run hundreds of pilot-scale plants in their own facilities to understand how scaling would be done successfully. Something like 805 of gasoline is refined using their processes and they’re also the leaders in biofuels for aircraft (green jet fuel). Companies like that aren’t stupid and don’t make rookie mistakes like this article implies.
“So, assuming the Peak Oil camp is on to something...”
Tsk, tsk.....Deep Hot Biosphere (
Settled science?
“ a consequence, energy prices will necessarily rise...”
Settled policy?
Wheeeeeee taken for a ride!
The article nails it.