To: backwoods-engineer
From the article:
"The risk exposure precedent that has been set is completely intolerable and has destroyed the entire industry paradigm. No informed person can continue to engage these markets, and no moral person can continue to broker or facilitate customer engagement in what is now a massive game of Russian Roulette."
47 posted on
11/17/2011 5:02:56 PM PST by
(We've tried the Soap Box,the Ballot Box and the Jury Box; one box left.)
To: onyx; penelopesire; maggief; hoosiermama; SE Mom; Liz; rodguy911; Fred Nerks; Red Steel; ...
MUST read Ann Barnhardt’s letter on closing
her financial firm. May wish to pass it on.
Rush referred to her letter today.
48 posted on
11/18/2011 1:12:24 AM PST by
(The overlords are in place .. we are a nation under siege .. pray, go Galt & hunker down) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson