By the way, did you hear why they installed Astroturf at the Texas A&M football field? keep the cheerleaders from grazing at halftime!
What's the difference between an Iowa State co-ed and the garbage?
...the garbage gets taken out twice a week!
Did you hear that scientists at the University of South Dakota have developed a new parachute? opens on impact!
Did you hear they're moving the North Dakota State Fair this year?'s being held under the tree, in the building!
What do you call a Texan who graduated from college with a perfect 2.0 average?
Do you know why it’s so windy in North Dakota?
It’s because Montana blows and Minnesota sucks! :-p
Great Iowa and Dakota jokes!
I wish your Texas joke wasn't so true.......What do you call the state whose governor got a D in economics? Texas.