Obama wants to cut military pay but not his own.
Know any members of the military at home or overseas who did not get to vote during the previous elections? For example, didnt receive their ballot on time in order to be returned on time? Please pass this link along for them to share their experience. Thanks!
We hope you will join The Band of Mothers in Washington DC on the Cannon Bldg Corner (corner of New Jersey & Independence Ave), July 25th, 26th and 27th, from 9a, to 5pm. We take this stand in Support of Our Troops and Their Mission and in opposition to this President's recent announcement to significantly draw down troop levels in the heat of the battle season! We are extremely grateful to our Troops for the safety they have provided to us since 9/11 and we are extremely concerned about their safety as this draw down takes place. Not only has their Commander-in-Chief told the enemy when the draw down will take place, he also announced to the enemy exactly how many troops he will pull out.
General Allen stated “The option of this President was not the option of his Generals.” War is not community organizing and this President should listen to the recommendations of the Generals and senior military on the ground! The welfare and morale of our troops are at stake here as well as the success of their mission! So many Americans and Afghans have given their lives to beat this ruthless enemy and there is no doubt that their sacrifices have kept us safe! Getting this mission right should be this President's priority, not poll numbers and his re-election.
Lastly, The Band of Mothers stand in support of the release of our Soldiers incarcerated at Leavenworth. As has been reported, we are allowing terrorists to sign a Pledge and then we release them (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/24/world/asia/24reconcile.html?src=mv.) or now, we just let them go:
Let our Sons go too! They certainly deserve and should be shown the same forgiveness and treatment afforded to the terrorists.
We hope you will join us on the Cannon Building Corner on July 25th, 26th and 27th, from 9am to 5pm. Location: the corner of New Jersey & Indepence Avenue, Washignton, DC.
Thank You
Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers