Posted on 07/10/2011 6:09:52 AM PDT by curth
Its common these days to hear media talking heads refer to Michele Bachmann as the Tea Party favorite in the upcoming 2012 GOP primary race. Unlike Governor Palin who has always stated that the Tea Party doesnt need one specific leader, Bachmann has tried to cast herself into such a role. She created a Tea Party Caucus in congress and gave the Tea Party response following Obamas State of the Union Address last January.
The Tea Party is comprised mainly of independent-minded small government activists who are sick and tired of the way Washington is operating. These are people who are fed up with DC insiders cutting deals with officials at the expense of this countrys future. A bloated, centralized system of government with too many payouts has spawned the biggest grassroots movement in recent history. A person who professes to speak for such a group of patriots at the highest level had better walk the talk.
While Bachmann may talk a good game, her actions are leaving many with questions that she has yet to adequately answer. Steve Bannon discussed one of these questions during a recent interview with PV Radio that Ian posted on Friday, concerning her family receiving large sums in Medicaid payments for their clinics.
(Partial transcript excerpt, emphasis mine)
And I think quite frankly, shes got to learn to answer questions. Like Chris Wallace asked a very straightforward question, she had every opportunity to explain this. And she gave quite frankly, an unacceptable answer. The answer was very misleading. And thats just not going to wash, particularly if you want to hold the banner of the Tea Party, youve got to almost be a purist. That means, if you believe in limited government, then youve really got to believe in limited government. You cant talk about limited government and take the benefits from the large state.
Despite being an unlicensed therapist practicing a controversial form of counseling, Marcus Bachmann received more than $137,000 in Medicaid payments for his clinics in Minnesota. According to Michael Isikoff:
Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the welfare rolls.
The amount is a much higher than the previously reported sum of $24,000 that she answered for during that interview with Chris Wallace. Isikoff writes:
The previously unreported payments are on top of the $24,000 in federal and state funds that Bachmann & Associates, the clinic founded by Marcus Bachmann, a clinical therapist, received in recent years under a state grant to train its employees, state records show. The figures were provided to NBC News in response to a Freedom of Information request.
The $161,000 in payments from the Minnesota Department of Human Services to her husbands clinic appear to contradict some of Michelle Bachmanns public accounts this week when she was first asked about the extent to which her family has benefited from government aid. Contacted this afternoon, Alice Stewart, a spokeswoman for Bachmann, said the congresswoman was doing campaign events and was not immediately available for comment.
Questions about the Bachmann familys receipt of government funds arose this week after a Los Angeles Times story reported that a family farm in which Michelle Bachmann is a partner had received nearly $260,000 in federal farm subsidies.
When asked by anchor Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday about the storys assertion that her husbands counseling clinic had also gotten federal and state funds, Bachmann replied that it was one-time training money that came from the federal government. And it certainly didnt help our clinic.
At another point, she said, My husband and I did not get the money, adding that it was mental health training money that went to the employees.
But state records show that Bachmann & Associates has been collecting payments under the Minnesotas Medicaid program every year for the past six years. Karen Smigielski, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Human Services, said the states Medicaid program is funded about 50-50″ with federal and state monies. The funds to Bachmann & Associates are for the treatment of low-income mentally ill patients and are based on a fee for service basis, meaning the clinic was reimbursed by Medicaid for the services it provided.
By stating that the payments were a one-time payment, Michele Bachmann was dishonest with the audience. She was clearly trying to downplay the issue, perhaps knowing that it hurts her credibility with that large group of grassroots conservatives across the country that she seeks support from.
Medicaid payments to her husbands business isnt the only issue the congresswoman is going to face tough questions about. Michele Bachmann waves the Gadsden flag and calls herself an outsider, yet she hired many DC insiders to run her campaign. She came under some heat for hiring Ed Rollins, but most of those criticisms died down when her people had stated that Bachmann forced Rollins to apologize to Palins staff. I never saw any press accounts one way or the other whether Rollins actually apologized, or if those where just more empty words from Team Bachmann. Perhaps someone in the press will look into that one day.
Steve Bannon was right when he spoke about holding the banner of the Tea Party. The people within the movement wont allow politicians to use their cause to simply advance themselves. They are aware and educated activists who are not easily fooled. When an elected official stands with them and speaks their language, they had better back it up with their actions.
>>I dont know if its just my imagination, but Perry and Bachmann give off the same type of me-me-me scent.<<
You got it!
So using the word raised in reference to foster kids is weird? Obviously you think something doesn’t pass the smell test or you wouldn’t be asking for more information.
I wouldn’t say afraid , but maybe a bit worried as any conservative should be, that enough people are being fooled by Bachmann’s candidacy enough to actually vote for her, which could cause the nomination going to Romney, which then means four more years of Øbama.
Yes, BronzeTitan, she did the same on the Mark Levin radio show. She really played up the “poor little me, Speaker Pelosie is out to destroy me because I am such a threat to the Left” meme. It was disgusting and waaaay over the top. Levin bought into it and strongly encouraged his listeners to send her money. That is the first I had heard of her. Then Sarah went to a huge fundraiser/campaign rally for her. The crowd was huge only because Sarah was there. Sean Hannity/Fox News even interviewed SP and MB there.
Bachmann needs to be vetted, and this is the kind of post that gets it done.
To this point, she’s received about 1/1000th the scrutiny Palin has undergone.
On a different thread, A FReeper posited that Bachmann is getting a new district that will make it very difficult to win House seat again. Perhaps the GOP establishment is promising help in a 2012 Senate run if she can marginalize Sarah.
Bachmann continues to NOT criticize RomneyCare.
Add that to her taking hundreds of thousands in Medicaid funds and her stalking horse for Romney, it appears Bachmann is just another fake and NOT a true Tea Party patriot.
So let me see if I understand this, Bachmann is a liar and on welfare because her husbands clinic accepts medicaid? She is also on welfare and a hypocrite because a farm that she has some ownership of receives farm subsidies, just like every other farm?
Wow. Does she also *gasp* draw a salary from the federal government?
I think Palin stands on her own.
I am disappointed to see articles against Bachmann on C4P. It isn’t necessary and appears unseemly. I won’t read the article and I wish you wouldn’t go after other conservatives. Attack the RINOs, as they deserve to be outted. I think less of C4P when I see them bashing conservatives like Bachmann.
Palin - Bachmann infighting is a victory for the left. Don’t do it.
Bachmann will be thoroughly vetted by others in time. Believe me. We don’t need Sarah to do it.
Besides. As soon as Sarah declares, Bachmann will be an afterthough, IMHO. How much money has Bachmann even raised? Ron Paul raised over $4 million in the second quarter 2011. Bachmann got so little, she hasn’t revealed what she raised in the 2nd quarter.
I’m sorry, I just don’t see Bachmann as the threat to Palin’s presidential run. Bashing her on C4P just makes them look mean taking the low road. It is pointless with no upside. Only downside. I’m baffled whoever thought this was a good idea. All you need to do is look at the permanent fallout Bachmann has received from Rollins bashing Palin.
Their infighting is stupid and pointless at this point in the campaign. If they become the 2 favorites, then the gloves come off. Right now with Romney raking in the money and Perry poised to run, this is just asinine and pointless.
Thankfully, virtually nobody on the planet reads C4P outside of a few conservative blogs like this one, so I guess it doesn’t matter. Do what you want. I just think your judgment is terribly flawed.
Yes, the word "raised" implies that they were with her during the major part of their childhood, and isn't commonly used when referring to caring for foster kids..
Foster homes are temporary. Yes, I would like more info...particularly regarding the monetary compensation they got for the foster kids. I will not be the last person to ask that question.
Why does she think she is qualified to be POTUS? Is she doing this to make $$$?
Obviously you think something doesnt pass the smell test or you wouldnt be asking for more information.
Obviously you think something doesnt pass the smell test or you wouldn't be bothered by my asking for more information.
Now is the time to air all dirty laundry...ask Sarah Palin. The MSM will be on MB like white on rice.
What a stupid comment considering Bachmann is the only candidate so far to have the guts to sign the Family Leader pledge despite the risk of being branded as too conservative.
No, it is called taking cheap shots because those making the attacks are so insecure about their own candidate. It's pathetic and violates the principles Reagan stood for.
There is nothing wrong with Bachmann's husband serving those on Medicaid. The poor need medical care and its not his fault that the system exists.
A very big difference. Bachmann , through Rollins, personally attacked and insulted Palin. Rollins is her campaign manager. The author of this piece is a private citizen like you and I and has no connection to Governor Palin at all.
Could be. We know from an impeccable GOP internal source that some kind of deal was made and Bachmann agreed to the GOP-E plan to help undermine Sarah.
If you’re going to throw sh*t around then name names. Tell us who this “impeccable” source is? We’d all love to know who is helping Bachmann undermine Palin. Do tell.
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