How about the part of the Texas code, passed eight years ago by “pro-life” “Republicans,” which recognizes the personhood of the child from its creation, but then grants permission for abortionists to kill them, in obvious violation of the explicit requirements of the U.S. Constitution?
Don’t you think that question is much more appropriate to this conversation than trying to muddy the waters with questions about what may or may not constitute justifiable homicide?
I’m still waiting for that apology.
Unlike you, I believe in saving those children that I can and teaching when I can. Some is better than none.
The law that you reference, our Prenatal Protection Act (Texas’ form of “Connor and Lacy Peterson law”) makes it a crime to kill an unborn child and has been upheld by the Supreme Court, which currently holds all the power on abortion in the United States.
Reality must be dealt with. In addition to convicting several men for killing unborn children, the dichotomy that this law highlights has been used as a tool to teach the preposterous nature of our abortion laws - to teach the humanity of “embryos” and “fetuses.”