You comment is an insult and childish. It is obvious to any rational human that the so called "War on Drugs" has done great harm to our Republic. The failed War on Drugs has militarized our police and in the process many innocent citizens have been murdered by government thugs.
The rate of drug use of the populace has not changed since the War on Drugs began. Those who have no faith in people to make the right decisions, who believe that without the War on Drugs everyone in their brother will start taking drugs are the naive fools of our society.
I have NEVER and will never take drugs because I know the harm they can do to the body. Most people are that way. For whatever reason, those prone to take and abuse drugs will do so no matter the legality. There is a segment of any society that have pathologies that lead them to be destructive in their habits. No law can stop that. Funds would be better spent helping those people.
The WOD and the resulting militarization of our society is highly destructive to our Liberties. Only someone who have LITTLE faith in their fellow man would support the utterly stupid, destructive WOD. They wrongly believe that thw WOD is keeping drugs use from exploding.
If somehow our Republic would end the War on Drugs, our society would become much more peaceful and most of the criminal drugs gangs to disappear.
p.s. I am not a Libertarian. I have read much of what Milton Freidman wrote about this matter and agree with his conclusions.
You sir, are not a modern conservative. Neither am I. You are a classical liberal like Thomas Jefferson or George Washington, or John Adams.
To a whole lot more of these Freeper geniuses than I would care to admit you are half a commie and a druggie. Constitution be damned.