Since the BC/NBC issue first came to the fore, people have been saying it's the wrong fight, that Obama needs to be challenged on his policies and ideology. They've scolded us 'birthers' for not being focused, and that he would be defeated when everybody saw how he was going to destroy small business, raise gas prices, ruin our relationships with our allies, and aggravate racial divisions, etc.
How's that workin' out for ya'?
How is that whole birth certificate thing working out? Why should we not be focused on his policies - the one common theme upon which we can build from the support of all conservatives, the vast majority of independents, and moderate democrats? The BC issue is not alluring to the second and third groups (Not that I don't, personally, have my doubts about his birth) - we will never be able to convince everyone, not even with a valid Kenyan BC. We need to draw a line in the sand on his policies and let the indys and dems come to us.