Posted on 05/11/2011 7:15:12 AM PDT by jazminerose
Soon the government will be able to send you text messages and amber alerts. Liberals always try to paper over government intrusion into our lives with noise about how it will be good for us (itll make us all safer!).
Well be able to opt out of these invasions, except for messages from the president. Messages from the king cannot be turned off. So we can ignore directions from Michelle about what to have for lunch, but not Obamas incessant campaigning.
Our Founding Fathers didnt presage cellular technology but they were pretty clear about our rights to be free from government intrusion.
This how liberals always do it, they push a nose under the tent under the guise of somehow being good for someone. Once they get into the tent, they will wreak no end of havoc and they have no plans to leave.
This will be even worse, and we will have to pay for the privilege of having them send us their propaganda.
If Japan does this to create a warning system for earthquakes and tsunamis, is it bad?
When Chile created a warning system for earthquakes and tsunamis, is it bad?
When Israel created a warning system for terrorist WMD attacks and missile attacks, is it bad?
ONe of the most important lessons of 9/11 was the immediate, severe and lengthy collapse of the cell phone network in the NYC tri-state region. It was absolutely horrifying living through it. IF the alert system like the one used in Israel developed by eVigilo is implemented here, it will prioritize the alerts over the network, saving ALOT of lives at a minimum use of resources.
Look on the bright side: if they can send us messages, we can send them our complaints and tell them what we think of them.
What carrier? How did it work? Why would it call 911?
“If Japan does this to create a warning system for earthquakes and tsunamis, is it bad?”
Excuse me, but how does one predict an earthquake???
As for Tsunamis, they come only after the “PREDICTID” ???earthquake.
Stop this in its tracks.
This will not only allow mandatory alerts from Big Brother, it will allow Big Brother to just jam and freeze wireless devices, if the peasants are getting too riled up and are using them to coordinate anti-state activities.
As well as providing a data-mining treasure trove of intel about “subversive” Americans who are in dire need of re-education to get their minds right. The govt overlords will always be able to skim off the cream of the rebellious crop through data mining their contacts and content to find the “leaders.”
No rising tyranny ever had such powerful tools to decapitate their incipient competition in a power struggle.
An American “dirty war” will feature the new Afghanistan tactic, the “catch or kill” night raid. All those SWAT cops with not enough to do. They’ll be busy, working through the govt lists.
So long as people are not required to carry cell phones with them, I can’t think of a single reason not to let them opt out of texts from Barry.
(And of course, there’s no reason to require them to carry cell phones either.)
We are doomed and fading fast and the majority of people don’t even realize its happening.
What about the poor people who can’t afford cell phones?
Do you smell what I’m cooking?
We’re being offered free train travel and we haven’t figured out it’s boxcars yet.
The laws, and technologies to enforce the laws to jam and block cell phone service is already Federally mandated and in place.
The data-mining laws, judicial rulings, technologies, and LEO resources are already in place and operating.
Tens of thousands of Freepers supported Bush’s six years of hyperinflating domestic security and law enforcement grants/loans and financing through the DHS and DoJ that increased the rate of militarization of domestic law enforcement agencies.
We’re way down the rabbit hole. This new law at least provides an alert system over the cellular network akin to the decades old alert system over the OTA and cable television network.
I honestly don’t know how Chile is going to implement the system,
but search : Chile eVigilo earthquake tsunami
and you’ll find articles about the system.
Many people don’t have free unlimited texting. Who’s going to pay for those texts, huh? The customer will have to pay for them on his end and all us taxpayers will be paying for the White Hut’s end. I didn’t ask for this Change.
Poor people already get free cell phones.
I’ll keep my old cell as long as it works, I don’t text, and I don’t want to be texted to. Because I don’t want to pay for something I don’t want or use.
Don’t forget gps tracking of those subversives.
Yeah, and they make $23 K a year. TV keeps running those ads 250 mins...cost over runs are never mentioned. And some people are GLUED to the stupid phones from morning to night.
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