It’s a curious thing that they are hired to PR mostly for NPR’s music. You see....over a twenty year period....about fifty percent of the music hours have been cut. Inserted in? News. In the mid-70’s as a kid....I can remember picking up a local NPR station and they played classical, jazz, and opera music for at least ten hours a day (from 6AM to 10PM). On weekend, you got poetry and great classical readings. For some odd reason....most all of that has disappeared.
More theft of taxpayer dollars.
And this is exactly the state of the situation in all government sectors and union debates. They use tax dollars to lobby for more tax dollars.
Let them stand on their own if they are so valuable. We need the military; we don’t need NPR and their shills getting rich on our dime.
“After going over your daily programming what exactly do you want us to point to as a reason to keep the money flowing”.............
Gotta fund the left.
Gotta fund the left.
We need to vote for a conservative Senate and a new president next year to get these greedy Socialists away from the government trough. Herman Cain would fill the bill.