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Strunk v Paterson (Obama)-1st time since 1824 Judge has opined what NBC is. Concludes Obama not NBC. ^ | 1/18/2011 | ObamaRelease YourRecords

Posted on 01/18/2011 1:20:48 PM PST by rxsid

"Strunk v Paterson (Obama): First time in the USA since 1824; Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is; Concludes Obama is not a NBC.

Via Chris Strunk; The first time anywhere in the USA since 1824, that any Judge has opined on what Natural Born citizen is and concluding that BHO Jr. is not NBC.

This affidavit will be notarized tomorrow and duly served by two days mail upon Justice Schmidt and the State in regards to the appearance on a personal and confidential basis with the intent that Plaintiffs understanding of the record of the hearing be entered into the court record enabling further action by Plaintiff when the Order shown as Exhibit C is entered and forwarded by the State to Plaintiff.

That I am producing a duplicate for Dr. Orly Taitz Esq. so that she may forward it to the SCOTUS in her action presently there. -snip-

From the affidavit;

1. This is the AFFIDAVIT OF Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse, Witness at the January 11, 2011 Hearing on the Notice of Motion for Amended Complaint in Strunk v Paterson et al. New York State Supreme Court of Kings County Index No.: 29642-08 before the Honorable Supreme Court Justice David I. Schmidt with the appearance of Joan Duffy, Esq. Supervising Assistant Attorney General for the New York Attorney General’s Office and Joel Graber, Esq. Special Assistant Attorney General representing the State of New York as a party-in-interest opposing the Motion to Amend the Complaint.

2. After the Court called those in attendance including several law clerks and the audience to order, the Honorable Justice Schmidt questioned Plaintiff as to the subject request for relief to amend the complaint and status of the underlying complaint without there being a recording or transcript of the proceeding.

3. As to the proposed amended complaint, the Court asked whether Plaintiff expects the Court to remove Barack Hussein Obama from office; to wit Plaintiff responded “NO” as that remains a Federal matter. Plaintiff seeks a declaratory judgment as to breach of fiduciary duty by the Defendants failure to provide equal treatment and protection of Plaintiff along with those similarly situated in regards to the certification of the Presidential / Vice Presidential candidates ballot access at the 2008 Election cycle; and as well as plaintiff seeks further discovery as to the scheme to defraud and unjust enrichment.

4. That Plaintiff stated the NYS Board of Elections never responded to the request for documentation of the various certifications of ballot access for the various Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates; and as previously expressed to the Court Plaintiff had filed in Washington DC a FOIA case 08-cv-2234 for the travel records of Stanley Ann Dunham germane herein with a motion for summary judgment decision pending before Judge Richard J. Leon.

5. The Court asked if Plaintiff is seeking to obtain a copy of Barack Hussein Obama Jr.’s (BHO Jr.) Certified Birth record herein; to wit Plaintiff responded "NO". Plaintiff seeks a decision by the Court as to whether or not the Candidate(s) are eligible for Office of President of the United States (POTUS) as required with the United States Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 as required as a regulation by the New York State Board of Elections including inter alias based upon the Certificate of Live Birth published August 21, 2008 by Annenberg Political Fact Check at (see Exhibit A); and that as a prima facie matter Plaintiff seeks a Court decision herein as to whether or not Obama in fact has Dual Allegiance, is not a Natural Born Citizen per se but merely a Native-Born citizen if that; because BHO Jr.’s father, BHO Sr., is a British subject with a student visa at that time, and is shown to be the purported father of BHO Jr. by both the newspaper announcement and the COLB shown by Fact; and therefore, at best BHO Jr. is only a "Native" born citizen, if that, with only one U.S. Citizen parent mother as a minor at his birth, and that without two U.S. Citizen parents - BHO Jr. is NOT a "Natural" born citizen at best is “Native” born.

6. The Court asked to know Plaintiff's understanding of the difference between "Native" and "Natural" born citizen, to wit Plaintiff explained on a blood and soil basis as of the Law of Nations as related to the 1961, 1963 and 1969 Vienna Convention Treaty matters as to citizenship status as with the children of diplomats and tourists who were not certified admitted by the U.S. Customs Service; and

7. Plaintiff provided the Court with a copy of the SCOTUS decision in McCreery's Lessee v Somerville 22 US 354 (1824) (see Exhibit B), and

8. That the Court responded favorably to Plaintiff’s argument and contention expressing familiarity with the difference between the Natural and Native born, as there is within Jewish law similar precedent and commented that the Court agreed there is a difference and would read the SCOTUS decision Plaintiff provided....

Full affidavit embedded below.




TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; History; Politics
KEYWORDS: certifigate; crack; dike; dyke; naturalborncitizen; obama; strunk
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To: curiosity

I pointed it out here several times, as did others.. of course we have no sway in DC or the Media, and much of our general population has been dumbed down to essentially little more than dirt so even trying to argue the finer points of NATURAL BORN vs NATIVE BORN is largely a lost cause.

161 posted on 01/19/2011 11:29:23 AM PST by HamiltonJay
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To: Hotlanta Mike

Simply, I have NO respect for those FINOs aka the Holder “After-Birther” brigade posting their venom on a Conservative forum!!!

One word = Quislings???

162 posted on 01/19/2011 12:00:02 PM PST by danamco (-)
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To: Mr Rogers

“And I’ve done it since 1998. I’m amazing!”

It’s a good thing then that Hotlanta Mike joined three months ago to call you out.

163 posted on 01/19/2011 12:10:19 PM PST by El Sordo (The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.)
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To: cynwoody
"If they determine that someone born with foreign allegiance owed is not eligible, then it would be up to someone else to "remove" him (presumably law enforcement since impeachment doesn't apply to usurpers) if he didn't remove himself voluntarily.

"Law enforcement" would be shredded by minigun fire should they attempt such.

Only Congress can remove a president. It says so in the Constitution. What part of "sole power" do you not understand?


Um, hello cynwoody! You there? Did you read my post that YOU even cited?

Now tell me...if one is ruled NOT the "President"...what in the Constitution gives the Congress the authority and responsibility to remove a usurper?

164 posted on 01/19/2011 12:15:15 PM PST by rxsid (HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN'S STATUS BE "GOVERNED" BY GREAT BRITAIN? - Leo Donofrio (2009))
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To: danamco
165 posted on 01/19/2011 12:16:56 PM PST by rxsid (HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN'S STATUS BE "GOVERNED" BY GREAT BRITAIN? - Leo Donofrio (2009))
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To: Hotlanta Mike; Spaulding
"It doesn’t get more clear. We must, in time, bring every legislator to account for failing his/her oath to The Constitution.

Which is why now Speaker Boehner will not touch it. He was a memeber of the 111th Congress that allowed this usurpation to take place, along with other members such as Darrell Issa. New arrivals on the scene have no such baggage, but of course are outgunned by the established members.


Exactly. They (Boehner, Issa, etc) would be inviting their own demise by opening up any investigations on how they were complicit in helping to allow a born British subject to be certified eligible as our Commander in Chief of the armed forces while they were in a position the very least, question it.

For that reason, essentially like taking the 5th so as to not "incriminate" themselves, they will continue to excuse it away by saying things like it's not their committee's job or they are just fine with an alleged jpeg of the short form on the WWW of the born British subject.

If any movement on this is to happen on Capital Hill, it's going to have to come from the freshman who were not involved with the 111th Congress.

166 posted on 01/19/2011 12:33:52 PM PST by rxsid (HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN'S STATUS BE "GOVERNED" BY GREAT BRITAIN? - Leo Donofrio (2009))
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To: Red Steel; curiosity
Perhaps I'm missing the "gist" of the argument here, but clearly RS is correct when stating that the "two citizen parents" argument for one to be a "Natural Born Citizen" was clearly mentioned well before Barry was elected...or selected at the DNC for that matter. Perhaps not a firestorm of conversation here on FR, but doing a simple search with Google for:

two citizen parents "natural born citizen" between the dates of Jan 1, 2008–Aug 24, 2008 gives (according to Google) "About 21,900 results" with many familiar sites listed.

Granted, there are more than likely duplicates, and many/most are probably dealing with John McCain's eligibility questions...but clearly the issue was being discussed early in 2008 regardless that the state run media clammed up on the issue once it moved from McCain to Soetoro.

167 posted on 01/19/2011 12:44:59 PM PST by rxsid (HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN'S STATUS BE "GOVERNED" BY GREAT BRITAIN? - Leo Donofrio (2009))
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To: Red Steel; LorenC
Actually, I did produce a single example from July 2008.

No you did not.

This guy said it, "So Obama isn't eligible for President as he isn't a natural born US Citizen according to the wells site. Even if he was born in Hawaii the site claims that he isn't eligible."

You'll notice that nowhere is there any mention of a requriement for a NBC to have two citizen parents.

Face it, LorenC is right, and you are wrong.

BTW, this whole line of argument is just stupid and silly since it is an after-Birther goose chase.Obama can't even prove that he was born in Hawaii

Funny. The birthers who cling to the two-citizen-parent argument say the same thing about eligibility arguments based on Bambi's place of birth.

168 posted on 01/19/2011 12:52:58 PM PST by curiosity
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To: rxsid; Red Steel; LorenC
Perhaps I'm missing the "gist" of the argument here, but clearly RS is correct when stating that the "two citizen parents" argument for one to be a "Natural Born Citizen" was clearly mentioned well before Barry was elected...

No, he is clearly incorrect. The two-citizen-parent argument did not emerge until after the election. As LorenC pointed out, the post Red Steel produced is NOT making that argument. It's a comment on a blog that was claiming Obama's mother was too young to pass on her US citizenship to her son even if he was born in Hawaii.

clearly the issue was being discussed early in 2008

No it was not. I defy you to find a single example prior to November of 2008. The hits you got on Google refer to something else.

169 posted on 01/19/2011 12:56:49 PM PST by curiosity
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To: rxsid
Perhaps I'm missing the "gist" of the argument here, but clearly RS is correct when stating that the "two citizen parents" argument for one to be a "Natural Born Citizen" was clearly mentioned well before Barry was elected...or selected at the DNC for that matter. Perhaps not a firestorm of conversation here on FR, but doing a simple search with Google for:

That was the argument and a silly one. I don't see the relevancy since Berg's law suit was based on Obama being born overseas, and the dubious Obama COLBs published on the Internet on June 12th and again on or about August 2nd took up the issue in Summer of 2008. Those two issues took up most of the air-time about Obama's eligibility.

It seems to be Loren and Ms. Un-curious contention that since the '2 citizen parents' argument was not at the forefront at that time, the issue was made up out of whole cloth.

170 posted on 01/19/2011 1:05:29 PM PST by Red Steel
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To: curiosity
No, he is clearly incorrect. The two-citizen-parent argument did not emerge until after the election. As LorenC pointed out, the post Red Steel produced is NOT making that argument. It's a comment on a blog that was claiming Obama's mother was too young to pass on her US citizenship to her son even if he was born in Hawaii.

Ummmm Un-curios, that was a 1952 citizen statute that only applied to Obama if he was born overseas and his mother was too young to pass on her US citizenship. That particular federal statute would not effect Obama if he was born in Hawaii.

Again this argument is a clownish sideshow as I have pointed out.

171 posted on 01/19/2011 1:22:51 PM PST by Red Steel
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To: curiosity; Red Steel; LorenC
"clearly the issue was being discussed early in 2008

No it was not. I defy you to find a single example prior to November of 2008. The hits you got on Google refer to something else."



The results refer to something else? Like what? The price of peanuts in China?

So you "defy" me to "find a single example prior to November of 2008." Um...well, OK then, you've been defied, with the first two examples I clicked on from the first page of that Google search listing over 21,000 hits. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that June 2008 predates November 2008. in this case.

Posted on June 10, 2008 by citizenwells| 96 Comments (this page is filled with discussion of citizen parent, citizen parents, parents who are citizens (etc) as it relates to Barry and the NBC issue).

Another example, from #1 in those Google results: (referring to an email that was circulated at the time, June 2008, Mentions two citizen parents argument.) The "clarification" of the so called "urbon legend" is, b.t.w. totally laughable and demonstrably false. But that's beside the point here.

In fact, add "obama" and remove "mccain" from the search results and you'll see people were discussing this issue prior to June 2008, which is when it appears the discussions involving Barry, two citizen parents and "Natural Born Citizen" really took off.

Using "-mccain obama two citizen parents "natural born citizen"" and "Jan 1, 2008–May 31, 2008" gives 761 results.

It appears that you are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, in spit. Not good form. your own homework next time. Oh, and have a nice day!

172 posted on 01/19/2011 2:02:38 PM PST by rxsid (HOW CAN A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN'S STATUS BE "GOVERNED" BY GREAT BRITAIN? - Leo Donofrio (2009))
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To: curiosity; Red Steel
LOL. Like a typical birther, when confronted with evidence that your argument is dead wrong, you baselessly dismiss it.

Psst: Be aware that your comrade pal TNTNT got escorted out by the big kahuna after using your derogatory "birther" on terminator Laz!!!

173 posted on 01/19/2011 2:33:08 PM PST by danamco (-)
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To: El Sordo

HM is not alone!!!

174 posted on 01/19/2011 2:35:53 PM PST by danamco (-)
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To: rxsid; Hotlanta Mike; Spaulding

According to Human Event’s there are 10 issues Issa is opening hearings on!

Number 10 is the eligibility issue(?)!!

I think they are waiting for Abercommie to step further into his cow-pasture with both feet regardless of his damage control!!!

175 posted on 01/19/2011 2:45:52 PM PST by danamco (-)
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To: rxsid; curiosity
The results refer to something else? Like what? The price of peanuts in China?

The results may be faulty in one of two ways:

First, they may not actually fall within the time frame you've attempted to designate. Google's custom date range algorithm is hardly perfect.

Pick a subject and a date range it won't be prevalent in. For instance, use the same date range and try searching for "Jared Lee Loughner" between January 1, 2008 and May 31, 2008. It produces over 400,000 results. And if you start actually clicking on them, you'll quickly find that they're not actually from that time period.

Second, your search terms aren't very tailored. For the Google search results you shared, you put "natural born citizen" in quotation marks, but not 'two citizen parents.' Consequently, Google didn't search for that phrase; it just searched for sites that used the words 'two' and 'citizen' and 'parents.' Not even necessarily *near* each other.

Put "citizen parents" in quotes, and your 761 results drops to 6 (only one of which references a two-citizen-parent requirement, and that's a YouTube comment from just 5 months ago). Put "two citizen parents" in quotes, and it drops to zero.

You can't just cite to a Google search result without clicking through to the links to see if they actually say what you were trying to search for.

Um...well, OK then, you've been defied, with the first two examples I clicked on from the first page of that Google search listing over 21,000 hits. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that June 2008 predates November 2008.

Perhaps you didn't notice this, but your Citizen Wells link and your link quote the exact same email forward. And what does that email forward say?

"Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents,..."

See that "not"? The email forward doesn't say that the Presidential office requires two citizen parents; it says it requires a natural born citizen OR two citizen parents. And the argument that follows concedes (even on its own legally fallacious terms of applying a foreign-birth statute to a domestic birth) that Obama would be a natural born citizen if his mother was older, regardless of his father's citizenship.

Posted on June 10, 2008 by citizenwells| 96 Comments (this page is filled with discussion of citizen parent, citizen parents, parents who are citizens (etc) as it relates to Barry and the NBC issue).

And if you'll notice, not a single one of those comments prior to November 2008 makes the straightforward argument that having two citizen parents is an absolute requirement for being a natural born citizen. Not one.

176 posted on 01/19/2011 2:53:49 PM PST by LorenC
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To: danamco; Spaulding; rxsid

I think they are waiting for Abercommie to step further into his cow-pasture with both feet regardless of his damage control!!!

I was scanning the comments section on Thomas Lifson’s post today at American Thinker and I found one particularly interesting

Posted by: F. Owen Smith Jan 19, 12:50 PM

Having served a residency in obstetrics in a university hospital, I can speak to the usual and customary practice on labor and delivery units. And part of that practice is to maintain “the book”, in which each and every delivery is recorded along with details such as the mother’s name and age, baby’s gender and weight, type of delivery, etc. If, as alleged, Barack Obama truly was born in Kapiolani Hospital— which has been in business for over one hundred years— that birth will be in “the book”. Although the birth certificate is made “official” by state decree, it is still nothing more than data copied from the primary source, “the book”. So where is the book?

177 posted on 01/19/2011 3:00:32 PM PST by Hotlanta Mike (TeaNami)
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To: El Sordo

Been on FR since 2008 El Sordido, only started actually posting recently. Reading over your extensive and informative works I thought the place could use an upgrade.

178 posted on 01/19/2011 3:03:08 PM PST by Hotlanta Mike (TeaNami)
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To: danamco

Thanx danamco...the riff raff is getting loud in this joint.

179 posted on 01/19/2011 3:08:56 PM PST by Hotlanta Mike (TeaNami)
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To: rxsid
Now tell me...if one is ruled NOT the "President"...what in the Constitution gives the Congress the authority and responsibility to remove a usurper?

He's still the president, even if sworn in while ineligible. The Constitution is quite explicit on how the president becomes president and how he may be removed. Even if the Supreme Court found him ineligible, they would leave his removal up to Congress. They take separation of powers seriously (and they'd be very glad to be relieved of a very hot potato!).

180 posted on 01/19/2011 3:13:09 PM PST by cynwoody
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