No it was not. I defy you to find a single example prior to November of 2008. The hits you got on Google refer to something else."
The results refer to something else? Like what? The price of peanuts in China?
So you "defy" me to "find a single example prior to November of 2008." Um...well, OK then, you've been defied, with the first two examples I clicked on from the first page of that Google search listing over 21,000 hits. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that June 2008 predates November 2008.
Posted on June 10, 2008 by citizenwells| 96 Comments (this page is filled with discussion of citizen parent, citizen parents, parents who are citizens (etc) as it relates to Barry and the NBC issue).
Another example, from #1 in those Google results: (referring to an email that was circulated at the time, June 2008, Mentions two citizen parents argument.) The "clarification" of the so called "urbon legend" is, b.t.w. totally laughable and demonstrably false. But that's beside the point here.
In fact, add "obama" and remove "mccain" from the search results and you'll see people were discussing this issue prior to June 2008, which is when it appears the discussions involving Barry, two citizen parents and "Natural Born Citizen" really took off.
Using "-mccain obama two citizen parents "natural born citizen"" and "Jan 1, 2008May 31, 2008" gives 761 results.
It appears that you are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, in spit. Not good form. your own homework next time. Oh, and have a nice day!
The results may be faulty in one of two ways:
First, they may not actually fall within the time frame you've attempted to designate. Google's custom date range algorithm is hardly perfect.
Pick a subject and a date range it won't be prevalent in. For instance, use the same date range and try searching for "Jared Lee Loughner" between January 1, 2008 and May 31, 2008. It produces over 400,000 results. And if you start actually clicking on them, you'll quickly find that they're not actually from that time period.
Second, your search terms aren't very tailored. For the Google search results you shared, you put "natural born citizen" in quotation marks, but not 'two citizen parents.' Consequently, Google didn't search for that phrase; it just searched for sites that used the words 'two' and 'citizen' and 'parents.' Not even necessarily *near* each other.
Put "citizen parents" in quotes, and your 761 results drops to 6 (only one of which references a two-citizen-parent requirement, and that's a YouTube comment from just 5 months ago). Put "two citizen parents" in quotes, and it drops to zero.
You can't just cite to a Google search result without clicking through to the links to see if they actually say what you were trying to search for.
Um...well, OK then, you've been defied, with the first two examples I clicked on from the first page of that Google search listing over 21,000 hits. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that June 2008 predates November 2008.
Perhaps you didn't notice this, but your Citizen Wells link and your link quote the exact same email forward. And what does that email forward say?
"Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. citizen parents,..."
See that "not"? The email forward doesn't say that the Presidential office requires two citizen parents; it says it requires a natural born citizen OR two citizen parents. And the argument that follows concedes (even on its own legally fallacious terms of applying a foreign-birth statute to a domestic birth) that Obama would be a natural born citizen if his mother was older, regardless of his father's citizenship.
Posted on June 10, 2008 by citizenwells| 96 Comments (this page is filled with discussion of citizen parent, citizen parents, parents who are citizens (etc) as it relates to Barry and the NBC issue).
And if you'll notice, not a single one of those comments prior to November 2008 makes the straightforward argument that having two citizen parents is an absolute requirement for being a natural born citizen. Not one.