"Founded by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran of print and broadcast media, and Neil Patel, former chief policy adviser to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news site providing original reporting from an experienced team of professional reporters, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news."
Well, that's only fair. It's his right to call his site anything he wishes (thank God it's a free country). It still looks like a news blog to me.
I agree that The DC has a lot of content. Understand, I don't consider "blog" a pejorative term, just descriptive.
As for what prompted my initial comment: Re-posting a YouTube video without so much as a paragraph of commentary? That's not even very good blogging -- the hypothetical high-schooler could do as much.
And if I saw that video on The DC, and wanted to bring the video to FreeRepublic, I would post the link to YouTube, not The DC. Posting the link to The DC is what's known as "blog pimping" -- drawing hits to a site which is only a vector to the real content; using someone else's video for the purpose of directing traffic to the blog. That's why it (correctly) is in FR's "Bloggers" area.
But Carlson and you can call The DC anything you wish, I have no problem with that.