Ouch! That’s gonna’ leave a mark...:-)
OWeBama wouldn’t have let that crisis “go to waste.”
Much like during Gulf oil spill when he tried to ram cap and trade through.
This cartoon should go with this thread!
Reid should do himself a favor, stop playing Obama’s hound for a change, and start really addressing Nevada. But then again, that’s why he’s got what’s coming for him...
When the BP oil rig exploded Obamao sent in the lawyers and went back to golfing and vacationing.
Well those miners are just not grateful at all. THEIR president allowed the UNSAFE mining practices to continue. OUR president shut down the whole OIL industry until it is deemed safe again after the BP accident. So all those poor miners will have to keep working in unsafe conditions and the oil workers won’t have to work until it is safe. Huh? What do you mean? Sure they’ll be out of work, but they’ll be SAFE! /s (liberalism is a disease ... it actually is contagious!)