The issues that divide us, political, moral and theological, whether or not we “spread the wealth and pursue a socialist agenda or whether we adhere to our original founding as a free republic has us hurtling towards another American civil war. Do we change our entire way of life, the base of our economy and restructure our political landscape?
Free Republic or Slave Socialist? The Federal Usurpation is being pushed too far for some of us to stand. Do we abandon our noble experiment based upon the powerful force of personal liberty and freedom, the principles for which our Republic once stood? Are they misguided? Are they evil? The leftists, of course, believe they have a more spiritual and humane path, wanting (so they say) all Americans to share equally in the wealth, where progressivism can become the only true freedom.
Should we conserve the ideals of a Republic, a Representative Republic, envisioned by the founders of these United States? Do our social and religious beliefs, established mores, our basic economic freedoms, induce enough passion to fight ... and will both sides claim an absolute, moral imperative that each consider unimpeachable and the most righteous cause? This is the stuff of civil wars.
Is the left going to insist theirs is an urgent mission that cannot be put off any longer and continue the cry for social justice, forcing America into the complete and final solution, in which they so fervently believe?
I hope this will nothing but a clash between opposing forces of voters, but it seems too explosive. It is too deep a disagreement, too fundamentally rooted in our respective beliefs in a way of life to which we each are totally committed, Republic or Socialist. We know they can not exist peacefully. There is no history to suggest it.
This is not simply socialist creep, a push from a small number of radicals; it is the rush of the left, abetted by many around the world, to finally end our grand experiment.
Will the resistance to this virulent, leftist imposition of will end in a heated debate and resolution through the ballot box, or will it create a resurgent Free Republic, the mounting of a resistance that forces some of us to become rebels?