Posted on 06/19/2010 2:43:37 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Just do whatever Dear Leader tells you to do and keep your mouth shut, you racist!
We are also a nation based on truth as an essential value.
Liars cannot be tolerated.
from article-
But Adams says even though Obama may not have been born in Hawaii, he is still a U.S. citizen.
GENE: “So let me understand what you’re saying. There is no long-form birth certificate, because he was not born on U.S. soil.”
ADAMS: “Correct.”
Regardless of where he was born (or hatched) he is not a “natural born citizen” (both parents legally citizens of the the time he was born) as the Constitution requires.....
Unless, some one other than Barrack H. Obama, Sr. is his father.
If he was not born in Hawaii, he is not even a U.S. Citizen, unless he has naturalization papers (he does not) or unless his father was a U.S. Citizen (someone other than BH Obama, Sr.)....
....End of discussion.
He exposed this without realizing that President requires natural born citizenship and now is trying to patch things up with racism. Is it because the hope crew knows the jig is up?
Your logic is correct. If we had a constitution, your statements would make sense.
"Adams says the solution to the unrest people feel in the U.S today is to "notch down the bitterness... and remember that we are all one nation of people."
What a collosal jerk!
Oh! Yes, I forgot.
Welcome to New Kenya! (Africa U.S.A.)
“Where the law of the jungle has replaced the Law of the Land” /sarcasm (sort of)
Dear Mr Adams,
You may be correct that B.H.O. may be a US citizen due in part to his mother or some other loophole. The question is weather he a “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN” as specified in the constitution. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? Also if your President lied about his birthplace....if there really is no Hawaiian birth certificate....if the COLB is a fake.....does that not cause you have just slight bit of concern? What does Race or Bush or being a Liberal have to do with having a legitimate President? Just askin.
This is NOT a replay of the WND interview but a much more detailed and nuanced interview.
Tim Adams says the fact that Obama clearly (to him) doesn't have a long form BC means that it is most likely that he initially received a “born out-of-state” BC.
Adams admits that Obama is not constitutionally eligible, but he says the US Constitution is outdated and unfair to all of the children of single mothers and children with only one citizen parent and that racism is the primary motivation for those going after Obama on that basis.
Adams says that even though Obama wasn't born in HI and was likely born in Kenya, it was the DNC’s responsibility to vet him and they said Obama was eligible, so that is not Obama’s fault and we should just pull together and let that pass.
Adams says that just because Obama may have lied about his birth location, that doesn't mean he is lying about other things.
This guy is NOT a skinhead but a raving liberal and possible self-appointed or undercover Hillary operative who is trying to play himself as completely innocent in his motivations for confirming (well, hearsay) that Obama is not eligible.
When someone makes excuses for the bearer of what they perceive as bad news, they often come up with a way to mitigate criticisms to innoculate themselves because of it.
As if that were't "terrible" all by itself. The lying and the ineligibility, and thus lack of respect for the Constitution.
Adams is not paying attention to the national news coming out of the White House. Obama is breaking the land speed records for lying and deception.
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”July 27, 2009
Okubo, who said that she gets weekly questions from Obama Birthers that are more like threats, explained that the Certificate of Live Birth reproduced by Obamas campaign should have debunked the conspiracy theories. If you were born in Bali, for example, Okubo explained, you could get a certificate from the state of Hawaii saying you were born in Bali. You could not get a certificate saying you were born in Honolulu. The state has to verify a fact like that for it to appear on the certificate. But its become very clear that it doesnt matter what I say. The people who are questioning this bring up all these implausible scenarios. What if the physician lied? What if the state lied? Its just become an urban legend at this point.
Both newspapers have confirmed that they have always received their birth notices directly from the State Health Bureau and not from family or friends of the newborn. Note the heading for this section of the newspaper in the “Sunday Advertiser,” it says “Health Bureau Statistics”.
Ping to post 12.
Vulcanized?? That's a process for making rubber, or maybe making Mr. Spock. A colossal genius this guy is not.
Hey Jamese, you have not seriously answered the questions to who hired you and how you were recruited? I’m still waiting on a serious answer.
We wouldn’t want that.
Let’s just leave it that I am paid. I was recruited through psychic messages in my dreams and I earn $4 per annum although my starting salary was $6 per annum, but I got a pay reduction due to poor performance.
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