The Japanese and Germans hurt us also. Ask Tojo and Hitler how that worked out for them.
“Ask Tojo and Hitler how that worked out for them.”
Sadly, a very different generation is at the helm.
I wouldn’t like to be a soldier in an Army trying to invade the Chinese mainland, and that is without factoring in the Nukes China has....
“The Japanese and Germans hurt us also. Ask Tojo and Hitler how that worked out for them.”
That was a different America. This America is tearing itself apart from within. The Chinese, if they are so inclined, will be able to hurt us very soon.
I honestly think china would be a lot smarter about anything of the sort than hirohito was.
For one thing, I expect they can take down parts or much of our electrical grid at will. The years-long reports of huge state-sponsored hacking in china, coupled with grid penetration reports over the years, make a lot of sense in that context. A few days in major cities with no power, and foreign wars are the last thing fedgov is going to care about.
from a realpolitikal perspective, it is a pretty sad way to end the american era.
The problem is that, in 1941, U.S. industrial capacity dwarfed the industrial capacity of both Japan and Germany. In 1945, nobody had ever heard of the term "Rust Belt".
In 2010, the Chinese industrial capacity dwarfs the industrial capacity of the U.S. Turn over that keyboard you are typing on. See where it says, "Made in China"? In addition, the U.S. President wants to runs America with trillions of dollars borrowed from China.
Then, there is another problem. As far as backbone is concerned, this ain't Grandpa's America anymore.
The combination is very dangerous.
The Japanese and Germans hurt us also. Ask Tojo and Hitler how that worked out for them.
A. This ain’t the same country...sad to say.
B. The Japanese and the Germans were a Cub Scout Troop compared to the 200,000,000 troops China could throw at us.
The Chinese are working on space based weaponry, satelite killers and EMP technology...all the while obama is trying to disarm us. Anyway you look at it the future does not look very bright.
Inside of 10 years we will certainly have queer units in our military. They will be the best fighters ever known. During combat all prisoners will become their toys.
Is it true that we are not what we once were with a Marxist traitor in the White House? The chi-coms like all demons in the world know they are safe right now in attacking the US. It is dangerous with Obama crashing the economy that funds the military.
The Chinese have likely studied their tactics and mistakes.
America was a free country back then. We are close to a socialist dictatorship now and very weakened by the continuous communist socialist pressure groups for ‘green socialism’ and ‘communist social justice.
Either the “free traitors” what made China strong and wrecked our domestic economy are the ‘useful idiots’ that communists like to employ, or they are fully on board with global communism.
We can’t take anybody on right now or even 10 years from now if our freedom and economy keep declining at this pace.
I am afraid that was a better generation then todays fat kids who call 911 when they don’t have chicken mcnuggets at MickyD. We are doomed I say doomed!