Sounds like he’s saying that the EVVE system has a void flag on his record, which is what it should say since his BC does not qualify as prima facie evidence - because it is amended and it is probably also late. I don’t know whether they would have made him fill out a delayed birth certificate if he had an original BC filled out incompletely until 2006. He certainly doesn’t have a hospital-generated BC, although he could have a long-form that’s just filed with the late/delayed BC’s.
The significance of this, as I see it, is that if he names his supervisors who knew Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii it will be more government officials who KNEW that the online COLB was a forgery and failed to report it. A LOT of misprision of felony going on in Hawaii.
This would also explain why cops who tried to do a basic background check similar to what would be done in a traffic stop.... got in big trouble for daring to try to check Obama’s EVVE record. It says he’s undocumented. Any cop pulling Obama over for speeding could have found that out, if he wasn’t being protected by thugs in the government.
This also explains why the HDOH refuses to explain anything about their EVVE system.
I say we send Butterdezillion to clean up the Gulf.
Run, BD, RUN!