I spent an hour once trying to convince someone (union electrician) that Obastard was a bad choice. The only thing he could come up with was “Well, we gotta do sumthin’ different”.
The moron was soon out of a job (as was I) as the economy tanked and the factory where we worked laid off over half of the workers and canceled all upgrades and modifications, keeping only enough electricians to to keep the lights on.
Hey, Ollie! How’s that hope and change working out for you?
People like that drive me crazy. I avoid talking to them like the plague.
They have NO IDEA what they would do—not even a general idea what would be wise policy.
So, whenever the Pubbies mess up, they turn to the Democrats—and things get worse.
You would not believe (maybe you would) how many Obama voters I’ve talked to who said the same thing your electrician friend said. And certainly, that’s the message Obama keeps spouting, regarding economics, business and healthcare.
If unions would spend more time building up their professions through better screening of their members and qualified apprenticeship programs and less on the wacky politics, they would have a lot more respect.
Unfortunately, rather than concentrating on putting out a quality work force; they resort to intimidation and agitation as rampant cronyism lards their rolls with unqualified members.
The need for intimidation in turns leads down the slope of corruption and criminality (i.e. mob ties).