The more they demonstrate and show their true colors, the more they demonstrate ignorance about their inability to circum-navigate a free government founded on the rule of law.
RED LETTERS "We will shoot more Arizona police until we get free."
This stupid little brownster needs to know: Things endemic to the Third World----drug-running, illiteracy, serfdom, slavery, ruling elites, armed street patrols, mob rule, bribery as a way of life----do not fly here.
Inflicting Third World savagery on the US ain't gonna happen no how.
Please read the following. They are trying to be sure this photo is for real.
We have been working through the night trying to determine if the picture we received several copies of is real or a forged parody.
This picture is already going viral on the Internet and we cannot track it back to a source yet. The picture does not obviously appear to be altered and rumors online claim the picture was taken by police in Phoenix, Arizona during the pro Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty marches on May 1, 2010.
However, if this picture is a hoax then we want to get that information out there as soon as possible to clear things up for those circulating the picture already.
We are putting this e-mail alert and picture out there and sending copies to Snopes in the hopes that we can determine who took this picture or who made this picture.
We are also sending this picture to our media list with requests for assistance determining if this picture is authentic or a hoax.
The sign reads “Health care jobs no-taxes house food you owe us America! We will shoot more police in Arizona till we get free!”
We will update everyone if we can make a determination.
If you have any opinions or information about this picture, or if you can help us track the source, please post at this link...
(Our Copy of the Picture at this link)