Free Republic mentioned as one of the sites being monitored and a specific Freeper mentioned as a DOJ TROLL her on FR.
1 posted on
04/04/2010 11:08:56 PM PDT by
To: machogirl
I wonder if the FReeper in question (click on link to article, click on example, it leads straight to a FReeper’s comments profile) would care to comment?
2 posted on
04/04/2010 11:10:29 PM PDT by
(First they came for my tagline.)
To: machogirl
I don’t know about this particular one, but trolls are like cockroaches, you see one, there are hundreds you don’t see or notice.
6 posted on
04/04/2010 11:18:39 PM PDT by
(Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. ~ G. J. Nathan)
To: LucyT; Candor7; Red Steel; mojitojoe
Pinging a few of you to this.
16 posted on
04/04/2010 11:34:16 PM PDT by
little jeremiah
(Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya)
To: machogirl
When Holder was a Clinton deputy attorney general he became an ardent advocate for international fugitive and swindler Marc Rich. Holder helped broker a pardon for Rich in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton library. Holder was the most visible of a crew of sleazeballs selling pardons that included Hillary's two brothers and Clinton's misfit brother Roger. Holder was a senior partner in the law firm Covington & Burling who represent more than a dozen Guantanamo detainees. This is a huge conflict of interest that takes on a sinister note in light of Holder's attempt to try Gitmo inmates in federal court. Holder has the ethical standards of a crab louse—a distinction he shares with the senators who confirmed him.
17 posted on
04/04/2010 11:40:06 PM PDT by
Brad from Tennessee
(A politician can't give you anything he hasn't first stolen from you.)
To: machogirl
The anonymous blog squader "Conscience of a Conservative," knows who he is. Stranger still, many people think he is a legitimate news reporter covering the Department of Justice for a media outlet.
After a quick look, he does defend Obama's legislation "The Ready Reserve Corps" and the government take over of the "student loan program " that was a rider in the ObamaCare bill.
To: LucyT; BP2; MHGinTN; pissant
25 posted on
04/05/2010 1:33:32 AM PDT by
(I don't care what you passed. you are irrelevant. I'll NEVER comply in any way. Read my lips, NEVER!)
To: Jim Robinson; Fred Nerks; null and void; stockpirate; george76; PhilDragoo; Candor7; rxsid; ...
Jim, are you going to put up with DOJ Trolls here? Gathering info on Freepers? Making revenge lists for when DHS/DOJ tries to make the USA into a totalitarian state?
Is there a way to get rid of them? Why tolerate them and their "counter propaganda" operation as free speech? It is not.
Is it not time to fight Alinsky with Alinsky?
Thanks. C7
30 posted on
04/05/2010 3:22:26 AM PDT by
(Now's the time to ante up against the Obama Fascist Junta ( member NRA))
To: machogirl; STARWISE; onyx; penelopesire; holdonnow; Bahbah
31 posted on
04/05/2010 4:06:07 AM PDT by
SE Mom
(Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
To: All
For the record, I am not a DOJ troll. I havent the foggiest idea who Tracy Russo is, I dont work for the DOJ, (and, frankly, would NEVER work for this administrations DOJ), and I am not a news reporter (for what its worth, I am a lawyer in private practice in New York).
Looking back, it looks like I disagreed with MuffledOars interpretation of a specific provision in ObamaCare, in a thread a couple of weeks ago. I was immediately caled a troll in that thread (by the person who posted the thread), so I can only imagine that MuffledOar assumed I was some sort of troll based on that thread, and simply made the rest up.
To: machogirl
44 posted on
04/05/2010 7:21:50 AM PDT by
(Baptist Ping list - freepmail me to get on or
To: machogirl
48 posted on
04/05/2010 8:59:15 AM PDT by
(The overlords are in place .. we are a nation under siege .. pray, go Galt & hunker down)
To: machogirl
Hey Holder, I hope you’re reading this. SUCK IT! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson