The Penn State University Collegian newspaper reported Monday that a panel of university faculty and staff had concluded its inquiry of Penn State meteorology professor Michael Mann (above) and would release its "ClimateGate" findings later in the week.
The ClimateGate e-mails scandal surfaced in early December and seemed to show evidence of fraud and conspiracy among the research scientists and others whose work formed much of the basis of calls for extreme climate change regulation. Smack dab in the middle of the scandal was Mann, the inventor of the famous hockey stick graph which, 10 years ago, claimed to show that, after 1,000 years of decline, global temperatures had shot up to their highest level in recorded history. It was made famous in Al Gores Academy Award®-winning documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth.
Mann's name graced the virtual pages of this blog for the first time in a Dec. 7, 2009, post in which I asked the question, Will EPA List of Most-Wanted Eco-Fugitives Soon Include Gore, Jones, Mann, Hansen and Others?
As soon as news breaks from State College, Pa., you can count on me to share it here.
Is this like the internal "investigation" that "cleared" ACORN?
Let me quess, “He did nothing wrong.” End of press release.
This will be a win for our side, no matter what!
Either they cover up again, causing more out rage -— or they admit that it is a bunch of BS!
He won’t even be put on double-secret probation.
From Comment section from Climategate article below:
igi (01:03:23) wrote:
Breaking! news:
Climate skeptic Ron Armstrong of Hoquiam, Washington has today learned from Penn State University that they are exempt from the Freedom Of Information Act and Pennsylvania s Right To Know Law
Guardian: Climategate
exposes the real process of science, its jealousies and tribalism
For the Guardian, it has been a week of finally coming to terms with what weve known here at WUWT for months now. The issues of Climategate are finally getting full sunlight in the UK, and its white hot light. Even Monbiot is calling for resignations beyond that of Phil Jones. .... [snip]
Another comment:
LeonardYoung (01:07:55) wrote::
The Guardian, despite its own reports, is STILL clinging to its default position that warming theories are sound. Monbiot in particular is seeing recent revelations as failures in Public Relations rather than core dishonesty or flawed data per se. The Guardian is also being very cheeky in implying that it is somehow revealing stuff that wasnt already on this blog, and many others, for a long time.
Unfortunately the average Guardian reader will accept everything it says. I would expect a gradual winding down of its fervent, almost religious adherence to official science over the next few months, because admitting they got it wrong in one fell swoop would be a humiliating climb down.
The damage the Guardian has done in disseminating faith based theories for the many years it took this stance is considerable, because its vast readership of middle class professionals who are intelligent though gullible, has been so brainwashed that it is now regarded as a socially outcast thing to question ANY conventional wisdom regarding climate.
That position is not going to be overthrown in a few days. My Guardian reading friends if anything are even more entrenched in a defensive position and are in what can only be described as a denial stage. They still believe Polar Bears are all but extinct and still confuse pollution and carbon dioxide. They are among the most mis-informed of the UK electorate exactly because they are subscribed to a closed-loop of disinformation which they genuinely believe is true, and never bother to look outside that loop.
Prediction: The findings will be on the order of, “the importance of the message is more important than the truth.” (Penn State is very leftist now)
Penn State’s credibility is at stake. It is a choice between their institutional honor and the reputation of a professor engaged in questionable practices under the color of their authority.
While they might initially support this individual, despite misgivings about his conduct, they must also weigh this against the loss of millions of dollars of academic support and greater difficulty in recruiting faculty and students who do not wish to inherit this shadow of scandal.
In addition, there might soon be calls for a return of substantial funds received by the university on the grounds that they were misused in the furtherance of scientific fraud.
He’ll probably get promoted. (He looks like an arrogant ba$tard.)
Mother nature has a hell of a sense of humor.
There is a big ass snow storm due to hit the mid Atlantic area later this week, just in time for the release of this information. Wonder what al bore is up to?
The End